Ingo Boss was born in 1979 in Frankfurt am Main. At thetender age of 11, Ingo was already entranced by the newsound called techno that he had heard on the radio – twoyears later he already became acquainted with thewonderful things one can do with two turntables and a mixer.He was inspired by the music Sven Vath played at thelegendary OMEN in Frankfurt where Ingo used to turn thenight into day as teenager. In 1998 he had his first club gigin Frankfurt. In 2000, Ingo became a resident at a series ofevents called Spectrum@MTW, organized by the germanmusic magazine GROOVE. T hat same year he publishedhis first production Modes in cooperation with his studiopartner Denis Engemann on PV Records. In 2002, he beganhis residency at the U60311 in Frankfurt and