MEHR(Modern Educational Hearing Resources)Ramses Santos aka MEHR, Bacteria Records founder andhalf of production duos Auricula &Third Ear Syndrome. Hisproductions and dj sets range from deep house, techno,minimal, tech-house, always tech’y, funky and interesting.Music that relies more on the character of the sound andthat is very question answer driven. With releases on theway from Elastic Gun Records, The Seed Music and ProperSlap as well as oncoming remix work on Nosi Music,Cimelde and others. Anyone who has seen MEHR dj sets,knows that his track selection which consist of nothing butconstant accents and the detailed ways of drawing themtogether always lead to good times. After spending the last10 years producing and djing in the US(mostly Miami/NYC)and performing on 5 editions of Ultra Music Festival, thesedays he is based out of home in Puerto