ELEKTROKID a.k.a. David Deneyer:David Deneyer is the co-founder of the record label:Nanoprobe records ,Moyo Records. The co-producer of theClub hits “Yeah”, “The Teacher”, and “House In Play” toname but a few. His extensive production and remix workfeatures tracks for Fedde Le Grand, John Dahlback, TristanGarner, Gregori Klosman, Dave Lambert, Megamen,Elektrokiss, Benny Benassi, Yves DeRuyter, WonderlandAvenue, Minimalistix, DJ Liberty amongst others.Elektrokid’s passion for music is spearheaded by hismastering and mixing skills for several big name acts on theinternational scene, from R&B to Rap (US). His colossaldrive has seen him perform as DJ in trendy clubs and musicevents in collaboration with other heavyweights in the DJscene.From very early on, David was fascinated by electronic“symphonies”, especially Techno and Dance. Withentrepreneurial zeal he spent his early years gathering allthe elements he needed to put