Born in the region of Paris and expatriated to southernFrance, Loï c started to discovering the fascinating world ofthe night. The world of DJing immediately seduces him, thebeginning of an intense journey has just begun.In 2006 he embarked in the duo H&S. During the next fouryears they shared the decks alongside big names likeStephan Bodzin, Oliver Hunteman, Miss Kittin, Vitalic andmany more.Productionwise the duo released tracks on labels such asMultivitamins, Smallroom....As time goes by and history repeats itself the two friendsgot separated and Loic became Loquace, which shouldremark a new step in his young and fresh career.In 2011, after solving more own projects, Loquace developedthe wish to create a new entity for himself and founded hisown label Earlydub Records.Meanwhile his own style got more and morecharacteristically with strong releases on