Erich Lesovsky

Erich Lesovsky

T h ere are only a few beams of lights from the super brightLEDs that illuminate his plainwhite mask, which erodes every sense of stardom. Next tohis laptop and pad controllerstands a glass fi lled with a green fl uorescent substance,to which a sensitive piezo-microphoneis attached, that is able to convert vibrations into sounds.Erich Lesovsky puts hisfi nger into the glass and swirls it around transmitting thiselectric impulse into his laptopand, in form of sound, to the crowd. All of this is part of ErichLesovsky’s live set-up and itis indicative of this producer’s constant search for thecreative chaos of sound manipulation.His studio is best described as a cluttered nerd workshop,where Erich takes apart children’smusic toys, gets deep into the art of signal processing,builds his own synthesizersand essentially creates sounds out

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