Michael Sowbug from Karlsruhe in South Germany, born in1987, was really impressed by the music of the Golden Eraof Hip Hop. He started early to follow up artists such as Dr.DRE, Snoop Doggy Dogg and Wu Tang Clan and Michaelcites these artists as the inspiration to take up theturntables himself. T he foundation of his musical career waslaid. Already at the age of 12 he spun his first records forhours and recorded live sets, which were sold in the localrecord store.Having a background of turntablism and fast creative mixingfrom the hip hop time, he moved on to electronic music at theage of 18 years. He still plays Vinyl today. T he fascinationas a DJ to make several thousand people happy and smilewith music, motivated Michael to start his own musicproductions.