Marina Karamarko

Marina Karamarko

With a residency on famous Ibiza for 2 years now for theVIVa Warriors parties at Sankeys and also known as aSankeys Global resident DJ, she is definitely the one tokeep your eyes on!Marina Karamarko is fresh blood of electronic music scene,always playing from the heart with the tendency to spread allover you and into you with a mission to leave you with a fullheart before going home. With her unique style andcharisma she instantly won the floor and gained a lot ofinternational interest.It all started back in the 2006 when she decided to transformthe love of music into a life's passion. After wining somelocal dj competitions the gigs just kept on coming.In 2008 she gained an Audio Engineering Diploma at SAEUniversity of Ljubljana and since than she is collecting moreknowledge

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