Born in Bari (Italy) in 1990, Franz became a musician whenhe was four. He studied piano, composition, electric bass,music theory and is always trying to improve his artisticskills.The first approach with electronic music happened when hewas 9 years old. Franz loved Hip Hop and all kinds of Housemusic (which later became his trend).Playing music and composing tracks quickly became Franz'sreligion, who, in time, has become appreciated for his style(deep / progressive house but also with vintage sounds)and for his skills behind the decks.Now he usually composes deep, techno and tech housetracks, but he also enjoys "vintage" and "electro" mixessuch as remixing tracks by famous and emerging artists inan old school style.Chopin, Mozart, Liszt, Bach were crucial for his artisticgrowth and he now draws inspiration from these classicalmusicians' work.