Latest Releases
The Best Of Vocal Trance 2014
BT, Christian Burns, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, LTN, Christina Novelli, Ferry Tayle, Erica Curran, Fabio XB, Liuck, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Juventa, Yves De Lacroix, Marell, Purple Stories, Ian Standerwick, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, AWD, Johnny Norberg, Matt Cerf, Ost & Meyer, Fenja, Mike Shiver, Theresia Svensson, XB, Emma Lock, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Jan Martin, Hysteria!, Rikkaz, Kat Parsons, Nick Arbor, Illuminor, Simon Lovell, Poppy
Best Of Vocal Trance 2014, Vol. 2
Temple One, Katty Heath, Allen & Envy, Denis Kenzo, Jilliana Danise, Ron Hagen, A.R.D.I., Sarah Lynn, Susana, Kimberly Hale, Mino Safy, Sarah Russell, Eranga, Estiva, Johnny Yono, Rivers, Audrey Gallagher, Solis & Sean Truby, Aurosonic, Nina Schofield, Frainbreeze, Talla 2XLC, Late Night Alumni, Myon, Shane 54, Rafael Frost, Ana Criado, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Kamil Esten, Alex Staltari, Walsh & Mcauley
Ultimate Trance Event
ARUNA, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Soundprank, Speed Limits, Cooldozer, Ost & Meyer, Anry, Matt Fax, Willem De Roo, Tarmo Tammel, Anske, Damian Wasse, Touchstone, Cold Rush, Eximinds, Ferry Tayle, Sarah Shields, Ludovic H, Dan Stone, Nitrous Oxide, Temple One, Tu Casa, REZarin, Illitheas, Mhammed El Alami, RAM
Enhanced Music Best Of: Collaborations Vol. Two
Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Juventa, Speed Limits, Eco, Carly Burns, Ferry Tayle, Sarah Shields, Ludovic H, Dandy, Boxer, Forbes, Fabio XB, Christina Novelli, Liuck, Adam Szabo, Willem De Roo, APD, Johnny Norberg, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Tandem, Vintage & Morelli, Steve Brian, Jason Ross, Nick Arbor, Illuminor, Simon Lovell, Answer42, Johan Vilborg, Local Heroes, Linnea Schossow, Alae Khaldi, Sergei Kanev, Dan Stone, Nitrous Oxide, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, LTN, Dan & Sam
Essential Vocal Trance 2014
ARUNA, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Eco, Carly Burns, Ferry Tayle, Erica Curran, AWD, Poppy, APD, Fabio XB, Christina Novelli, Liuck, Yves De Lacroix, Marell, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Kerry Leva, Linnea Schossow, Rikkaz, Kat Parsons, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Damian Wasse, Irina Makosh, XB, Emma Lock
Ultimate Vocal Trance - Vol. 1
Tritonal, Cristina Soto, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, The Chain Gang Of 1974, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Eco, Carly Burns, ARUNA, Fabio XB, Liuck, Adam Szabo, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Charlie Bath, Juventa, Erica Curran, AWD, Ferry Tayle, APD, Kerry Leva, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Rikkaz, Kat Parsons, Purple Stories, Ian Standerwick, Steve Brian, Agulo, David Berkeley
Trance 2014 - Volume Two
Daniel Kandi, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Ferry Tayle, Poppy, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Steve Brian, Jason Ross, Fabio XB, Liuck, ARUNA, LTN, Soundprank, Tygris, Nic Toms, Eco, Carly Burns, Morvan, Anske, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Illuminor, Willem De Roo, RAM, Falcon, Driftmoon
Club Trance Volume Eight
Daniel Kandi, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, ARUNA, Ferry Tayle, Erica Curran, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Tomas Heredia, Juventa, Speed Limits, Eco, Carly Burns, The Chain Gang Of 1974, RAM, Tygris, Fast Distance, Temple One, Anske, Soundprank, Adam Szabo, Willem De Roo, Driftmoon, Rikkaz, Kat Parsons, Activa
Ibiza Vocal Trance 2014
Tritonal, Skyler Stonestreet, Juventa, Erica Curran, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Fast Distance, Cami, Jan Martin, Hysteria!, Charlie Bath, AWD, Josie, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Underdown, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Ferry Tayle, Rikkaz, Kat Parsons, Alex Larichev, Invi Tado, Steve Brian, Agulo, David Berkeley, Fabio XB, Liuck
Best Of Vocal Trance - Volume Three
ARTY, Tania Zygar, Tritonal, Underdown, Ferry Tayle, Erica Curran, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Juventa, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, Will Holland, Jeza, ARUNA, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Estiva, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Fabio XB, Liuck, Lange, Stine Grove, Charlie Bath, Temple One, Hannah Ray, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Steve Brian, Agulo, David Berkeley, Damian Wasse, Irina Makosh, Purple Stories, Ian Standerwick
Miami Dance: The Album - 2014
Tritonal, Skyler Stonestreet, Juventa, Erica Curran, ARUNA, Fabio XB, Christina Novelli, Liuck, Estiva, 7 SKIES, Ferry Tayle, Eco, Carly Burns, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Soundprank, Speed Limits, Suspect 44, Tygris, Thomas Hayes, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Solid Stone, Nic Toms, Driftmoon
Late Night Miami Trance Anthems 2014
Anry, Tritonal, Underdown, Soundprank, Fabio XB, Christina Novelli, Liuck, ARUNA, Estiva, Juventa, Erica Curran, Eco, Carly Burns, Ferry Tayle, Driftmoon, Daniel Kandi, Markus Wilkinson, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Speed Limits, Justin OH, Abby Rae, APD, Kerry Leva, Cold Rush, Nic Toms, Falcon, Suncatcher, Gal Abutbul
Miami Sunset Trance 2014
Juventa, Erica Curran, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Tritonal, Underdown, ARUNA, Anry, Speed Limits, Soundprank, Johan Vilborg, Solid Stone, Adam Szabo, Johnny Norberg, Tygris, Kevin Charm, Thomas Hayes, AWD, Jan Martin, Hysteria!, Attractive Deep Sound, David Broaders, Illuminor, Nic Toms, Kerry Leva
WMC Vocal Anthems 2014
Tritonal, Skyler Stonestreet, ARTY, Tania Zygar, Juventa, Erica Curran, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, ARUNA, Mimi Page, Paris Blohm, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Charlie Bath, Lange, Sarah Howells, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, Jan Martin, Hysteria!, Mehrad, Kelly Siew, Karanda, Roxanne Barton, Cristina Soto, Will Holland, Jeza, Fast Distance, Cami, Damian Wasse, Irina Makosh
EDM America 2014
Tritonal, Phoebe Ryan, Juventa, Erica Curran, Mimi Page, Paris Blohm, Speed Limits, ARUNA, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Tristan D, Tangle, Nu-State, Underdown, Eco, Carly Burns, Soundprank, APD, Johnny Norberg, Kevin Charm, Kerry Leva, Anry, Johan Vilborg, AWD, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Illuminor
Vocal Trance 2014 - The Collection
Tritonal, Cristina Soto, Juventa, Erica Curran, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, Adam Szabo, Johan Vilborg, Johnny Norberg, Ost & Meyer, Roman Polonsky, Temple One, Neev Kennedy, Charlie Bath, Jan Martin, Hysteria!, Karanda, Roxanne Barton, Laura Shea, Jeza, Josie, Steve Brian, Agulo, David Berkeley, Damian Wasse, Irina Makosh, Will Holland, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Vast Vision, Fisher, Purple Stories, Ian Standerwick
Trance Hits Top 20 - 2014-03
John Askew, Giuseppe Ottaviani, Alana Aldea, Craig Connelly, Anry, Tomas Heredia, Photographer, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Max Graham, Maarten De Jong, Daniel Garrick, Elevation, Grube & Hovsepian, Arisen Flame, Johnny Yono, Ali Wilson, Bjorn Akesson, Eximinds, ReOrder, Indecent Noise, Lostly, Daniel Kandi, Markus Wilkinson, Speed Limits, Nic Toms
Pure Bliss Vocals Volume 6
Sneijder, Cate Kanell, Dart Rayne, Yura Moonlight, Katty Heath, Cold Blue, Dennis Sheperd, Ana Criado, Kaimo K, Ellie Lawson, Space Rockerz, Cathy Burton, Susana, Hazem Beltagui, Yuri Kane, Sopheary, Karanda, Alana Aldea, Andain, Ira, Sarah Russell, Talla 2XLC, Ad Brown, Steve Kaetzel, Arielle Maren, Tom Colontonio, Amber Noel, A.R.D.I., Hanna Finsen, Shelley Harland, Kerry Leva, Estiva, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Polina, Invalyd, Chris Jones, Vadim Spark, Feel, First State, Relyk, Mehrad, Kelly Siew, Aurosonic, Kate Louise Smith, Somna, Kimberly Hale, Yang, Erick Strong, MalYar, Gemma Pavlovic, Elles De Graaf
Love EDM 2014
Tritonal, Phoebe Ryan, Estiva, ARUNA, Juventa, Erica Curran, Anry, Mimi Page, Paris Blohm, Speed Limits, Daniel Kandi, Sarah Russell, Daniel Garrick, Johan Vilborg, 7 SKIES, Kerry Leva, APD, Johnny Norberg, AWD, Tristan D, Tangle, Nu-State, Kevin Charm, Adam Szabo, Justin OH, Abby Rae, Cardinal, Arielle Maren, Eco, Carly Burns, Illuminor, Underdown, Binary Finary, Lele Troniq, Christina Novelli, Steve Brian, David Berkeley, Eximinds, Terry Da Libra, David Broaders, Matt Fax, Stephen Kirkwood, Nic Toms, Store N Forward, Timur Shafiev, Sebastian Weikum