Latest Releases
Saints & Sinners (The Deep-House Files), Vol. 3
PM Project, Squib, AMDM, Sean Nice, Brych, Jaques Le Noir, Tobi A.o., Dyba, Living Room, Pulseshaker, Yan Carlson, Lupostar, Tescana, Dishamo, Mutehead, Tafubar, Paulsen & Stryczek, Jaid Zucchero, Breakfast Brothers, Hacker, Gariy, Brad Rock, Double U, Star Hub, Lounge Groove Avenue, Kosmoss, Mike van Olsen, Teyno, Luis Hermandez, Marcella, Lo Zio Sam, JSTEF, Muzzo, Cotton Animals
House Feelings, Vol. 2
Sean Finn, Amanda Wilson, Kosmoss, Jay Frog, Maui, Jolie Lassen, C.A.T., Damon Grey, Alexia Nigh, Sweet Female Attitude, Peverell, Mad Bob, Terranova (IT), Deepberry, Seumas Norv, Nic&Peter, Jude & Frank, Bronx Cheer, Mafo, Falko Niestolik, Matty Menck, Andy B. Jones, Ela, Tred Union, Push App, AMDM, Sean Nice, The Sandbust Orchestra, F.I.T.S, Sisc, Double U, TR-MEET, BIGROCK, Krik Over, Rory Hoy, Floyd Crystal, Mojo, The Real New Deal, Narra, Kobes, Soul Essence
Feel The Beat, Vol. 2
Hochanstaendig, AMDM, Sean Nice, Jerry Ropero, Clyde, Vonny, Leanne Golding, Amfree, Hoxtones, Sonia Singh, Falko Niestolik, Jay Frog, Andrew Belize, Adaptiv, Felix Schorn, Joni, Senseekers, Max Sabatini, Alex B, Renoa, Ivan Kay, Fiorez, Amoon, Son of Kurt, Walking Path, David Hopperman, Amanda Wilson, Abundance, Zinner, Alex Myna, DJ Patisso, Laura Zeta, Erick Decks, Monoloop, Sideglide, Baseek, TR-MEET & BIGROCK, Schaukelpferd, Major Sound, Charlie Mauthe, Joe Hill, Dim Chris, Larini & Prati, Marcelo Wallace, +36, Alpha Vice, LUNEKT, Marc One, Sergio Pardo
House Feelings, Vol. 1
Underground Royale, 1wayTKT, Mojo, Kobes, C.A.T., AMDM, Sean Nice, Kosmoss, PM Project, Madji'k, Sisc, DBN, Cosmo Klein, Joust Phillips, Valdemossa, PUMP FICTION, Jay Kay, Seumas Norv, Marcelo Wallace, Schitz n Gigs, DJ Nevel, Leyla Griffiths, Deviz B, Jaques Le Noir, Illicit Jazz, Paul Parsons, Iag & Omoc, Ragged Groove, Soap Bubbles, Dado, Jan Leyk, Slippy Beats, Roger Horton, Soul Essence
Sweet Little Deep-House Birds, Vol. 3
Steen Thottrup, Eva Scolaro, Jaques Le Noir, Abelaster, Lounge Groove Avenue, Jaid Zucchero, AMDM, Sean Nice, Tescana, Dishamo, Mutehead, Tafubar, Paulsen & Stryczek, Living Room, Breakfast Brothers, Hacker, Gariy, Brad Rock, Double U, Star Hub, Brych, Tobi A.o., Squib, Lupostar, Kosmoss, Mike van Olsen, Teyno, Luis Hermandez, Marcella, Lo Zio Sam, PM Project, JSTEF, Pulseshaker, Muzzo
Balearic Deep-House Winter 2024
Squib, Antennasia, Svendaq, DJ Dabbelju, NPFT, Flauschig, Teddy Richards, Gorillag, Mo'jardo, Marty Bobgarner, Tafubar, Avrial, Clownfish, Dan Mckie, ABX, Burhan Yuksekkas, Charly'n Black, Teyno, Miguel Alcobia, E.Q.T., Nico Heinz, Max Kuhn, Fabio De Magistris, OwnWave, Kosmoss, GBHR, Deepberry, Silvertom, Dr. Beat, Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen, Millan Seritos, JSTEF, AMDM, Sean Nice
Diamonds and Pearls (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 1
Jaques Le Noir, Moussa Clarke, John Ashby, Jaid Zucchero, Hi.5, Lupostar, OwnWave, NPFT, AMDM, Sean Nice, C.A.T., Michael E, Tim Gelo, Tescana, Nic Danilin, Stan Progman, Dishamo, Svendaq, Mutehead, Living Room, Tafubar, Gass Krupp, Paulsen, Stryczek, Krik Over, Breakfast Brothers, Jones, Brock, Nicole Cross, Hacker, Gariy, Brad Rock, Dainpeace, Double U, Chris Le Blanc, Leo Zabarella, Star Hub, John Fee, Brych, Jason Rivera
Rhythm Attack, Vol. 4
Joachim Garraud, Charlie Sputnik, Ridwello, Ipanov, Paco Caniza, MZA, Abigail, Zen, Damon Grey, Mitch B., Havarow, Capo & Comes, Abundance, Falko Niestolik, Barbara, Pogee, Moestwanted, AMDM, Sean Nice, Jay Frog, E.M.C.K., Frederik Abas, Nathan Brumley, +36, Alpha Vice, Eugene Luu, Brandon Michaels, Linda Axelsson, Accurate, Jan Leyk, Antastic, Sandy Kay, Gregor Potter, Brieuc, Dominik Koislmeyer, Jimmy Burney, John Modena, Dudu Capoeira, K.E.N.T., Cleyton Barros, Amoon, Son of Kurt, Walking Path, Inusa Dawuda, Logical Dreamers, Jenson, Amfree, Hoxtones
Groove Addicted (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 4
Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen, Millan Seritos, JSTEF, Muzzo, Kosmoss, Svendaq, DJ PD, Jess Hayes, Voyager2, Kobes, Dub Mars, Living Room, Tigerforest, Der Waldläufer, Eskadet, Lemongrass, Talal, Kittrix, MVRTK, Mario Santo, Jones, Brock, Nicole Cross, Belma, Seumas Norv, Luis Hermandez, Pulseshaker, Antton, Giacomino, AMDM, Sean Nice, Jaques Le Noir, Brych, S.W., Wicked Sounds, 1st Place aka LeGround
Dancing Pirates, Vol. 1
Valdemossa, Hochanstaendig, Purple Cafe, Nico Zandolino, The Ironix, Philip Braun, Falko Niestolik, Andrea Dub, Iexxon, Chico Chiquita, Nathan Brumley, Bragaa, Stereoliner, Cirque Du Freak, Andrew Belize, Adaptiv, Felix Schorn, David Puentez, Robyn The Bank, Funk 78, Deebiza, Christian Laute, Ron Reeser, Ducka Shan, Erick Decks, Monoloop, Roger Slato, Danny Better, Theo Andreassen, Krumm & Schief, Patrik Hupe, AMDM, Sean Nice, Oni Sky, DJ Breeze, Tim Royko, Mike Leon, CRT, Max Sabatini, Alex B, Kobes, DJ Freedom, Major Sound, Ariac, Paul Vinx, Andy, Itz Tiffany, Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, Marc One
Deep-House and Champagne, Vol. 1
Living Room, Teyno, Teddy Richards, Jozef Kugler, Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen, Antton, Vale, Zak Gee, Dr. Beat, AMDM, Sean Nice, Aerobium, Edwin Jack, Gorillag, Jaques Le Noir, Marty Bobgarner, Seumas Norv, Kosmoss, Dimitris Dagas, Tone Richardson, Solar Cycle, Brych, Five Seasons, Burhan Yuksekkas, Luis Hermandez, Jane Maximova, Andrey Gorbunov, Damus Wega, Tigerforest, Der Waldläufer
Bikini Challenge, Vol. 3
Mojo, Seumas Norv, Major Sound, Rory Hoy, Hayley McKay, Marcelo Wallace, AMDM, Sean Nice, Steven Guetta, Jerry Ropero, Joris Dee, DJ Nevel, Leyla Griffiths, The Sandbust Orchestra, Pattern 1, Elliot Chapman, Bronx Cheer, Jan Leyk, The Real New Deal, Dado, Cemode, Schitz n Gigs, Zinner, Tiefblau, TR-MEET & BIGROCK, Soul Essence, Mafo, Soap Bubbles, Dainpeace, Kosmoss, Sisc, Narra, C.A.T., Kobes, Double U
Bikini Challenge, Vol. 1
Underground Royale, Jay Frog, Maui, Jolie Lassen, 1wayTKT, Monika Kiss, Benny Camaro, Damon Grey, Sisc, Sweet Female Attitude, Peverell Bros, B.M.C., Monoloop, Ragged Groove, Nic&Peter, Piers Kirwan, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Slippy Beats, Roger Horton, Jude & Frank, Soul Essence, Cotton Animals, Joust Phillips, Deepberry, Renoa, Gianluca Catra, C.A.T., Valdemossa, Bronx Cheer, Matto, N Passant, Seumas Norv, Kobes, Jaques Le Noir, Soul Project, Lisa Hunt, AMDM, Sean Nice, Kosmoss
Lights Out (Deep-House Collection), Vol. 2
Hi.5, NPFT, AMDM, Sean Nice, Kosmoss, Five Seasons, Sak Chaime, Breakfast Brothers, Teyno, Jaques Le Noir, Miguel Alcobia, Rhythm Foundation, Living Room, Michael E, Tim Gelo, Tigerforest, Der Waldläufer, Tescana, Deepberry, Marty Bobgarner, Luis Hermandez, Nic Danilin, Stan Progman, Cotton Animals, Zen, ReLight Orchestra, Mitch B., Aax Donnell, Zara Mailo, Dishamo, Marcella, Lo Zio Sam, Aerobium, PM Project, Double U, Chillhanger, Svendaq, Brych
Deep-House Essentials, Vol. 2
Nicole Cross, Jones & Brock, J.A.Z.Z., Belma, Bolinger, Hi.5, Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen, Valeria Moriett, Seumas Norv, Five Seasons, Luis Hermandez, Silvertom, Pulseshaker, Clownfish, Antton, Mario Santo, Giacomino, Lounge Groove Avenue, AMDM, Sean Nice, GBHR, Jaques Le Noir, Marty Bobgarner, Brych, Ed Lee, S.W., Ganga, Wicked Sounds, Solar Cycle, 1st Place, Alessandro Spisso, Dub Mars, Kosmoss
Anytime Is House Time, Vol. 1
Valdemossa, AMDM, Sean Nice, Chico Chiquita, Nathan Brumley, Bragaa, Frederik Abas, Oni Sky, Roger Horton, Moestwanted, Ducka Shan, Mike Wryter, Amniza, Avantic, +36, Alpha Vice, Denny Lee, Tavengo, Calmani & Grey, Leonail, Max Sabatini, Alex B, Joachim Garraud, Charlie Sputnik, Ridwello, Mr Finga, Sven Bünjer, Eugene Luu, Brandon Michaels, Patrik Hupe, Linda Axelsson, Accurate, Gerard, Cruzer, Nik Pryce, Jan Leyk, Andrew Belize, Adaptiv, Felix Schorn, Antastic, Sandy Kay, Dave Crusher, Rory Wood, Davide Turco, Gregor Potter, Brieuc, Fabian Farell, Dycos, Amfree, Hoxtones, Sonia Singh, Falko Niestolik, Point Blvnk, Jay Frog, E.M.C.K.
Naked House, Vol. 4
Underground Royale, Adam Hyjek, Major Sound, Alex Whisper, Manuel Greko, 1wayTKT, A.C.N., Culsu, AMDM, Sean Nice, Gorillag, Jude & Frank, Hoxtones & Amfree, Sonia Singh, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Stephane Karl, Soul Essence, Lucy Clarke, Ashley Izco, Dub Mechanics, Geoge F, Ragged Groove, Kobes, Mojo, Deviz B, Joust Phillips, Falko Niestolik, Marcelo Wallace, TR-MEET, BIGROCK, Monika Kiss, Benny Camaro, Damon Grey, Quentin Kane, Simon Sheldon, Jai Sian, Steven Guetta, Jaques Le Noir, Sisc, Atramix, DJ Nevel, Leyla Griffiths
Naked House, Vol. 2
Matty Menck, Andy B. Jones, Ela, Elliot Chapman, Bronx Cheer, Rory Hoy, Floyd Crystal, B.M.C., Ash Paine, PUMP FICTION, Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Jan Leyk, Miguel Alcobia, Deepberry, Erick Decks, Jason Anousheh, Peter Brown, Soul Essence, Madd, DJ Fist, Lucas Reyes, Renoa, Gianluca Catra, Roberto Ferro, Benny Camaro, Alexandra Prince, Kid Shakers, Lemon3, Ua Tea, The Real New Deal, Mad Bob, Terranova (IT), AMDM, Sean Nice, Much Love, AJ Lewis, Dado, Diaz, Luna Moor, Amniza, Sisc, DBN, Cosmo Klein, Narra, Paul Parsons
House Residence, Vol. 2
Gorf, Schaukelpferd, Miguel Noel, Nrgee, Andrea Dub, Iexxon, Sam Collins, Paula Douglas, Gerard, Cruzer, Nik Pryce, Fabian Farell, Dycos, Falko Niestolik, Denny Lee, Purple Cafe, Dudu Capoeira, Diozo, Roger Slato, LoVance, VNTRD, Di Miro, Thomas Konterman, Sideglide, Larini & Prati, Ducka Shan, Mike Wryter, AMDM, Sean Nice, Tim Royko, Mike Leon, Eugene Luu, Brandon Michaels, Mab, Jim Clay, Ron Reeser, Sean Finn, Amanda Wilson, Moestwanted, Jay Frog, E.M.C.K., Jan Leyk, The Dead Prezidents, Erik Stefler, LNDR
Deep-House Affairs (The Champagne Edition), Vol. 3
Jozef Kugler, Steen Thottrup, Annette Berg, Antton, Deep Spelle, Five Seasons, Melvin Reese, Teyno, Kosmoss, AMDM, Sean Nice, Cephalonya, Aerobium, Circles Of Sound, Yasmin Elvira Steenholt, Living Room, GBHR, Edwin Jack, Florent Campana, Marilyne Justin, Tigerforest, Der Waldläufer, Bolinger, Hi.5, Gorillag, Kitschouse, Jane Maximova, Andrey Gorbunov, Michael E, Tim Gelo, Jaques Le Noir, Luis Hermandez, Cram, Miguel Alcobia, Marty Bobgarner, Ezechiel, Seumas Norv, Kittrix, MVRTK
Deep & Joy, Vol. 4
Circles Of Sound, Yasmin Elvira Steenholt, Sak Chaime, Antennasia, Thando, Magee, Jane Maximova, Andrey Gorbunov, Lemongrass, NPFT, Larry Scottish, GBHR, Teddy Richards, DJ Soulstar, 1st Place aka LeGround, AMDM, Sean Nice, Deepberry, Paulsen, Stryczek, Seumas Norv, Five Seasons, S.W., Dainpeace, Tafubar, Gorillag, Breakfast Brothers, Giacomino, Dub Mars, Florent Campana, Marilyne Justin, Burhan Yuksekkas, Jaques Le Noir, Linda Axelsson, Andy Lakey, Kosmoss, Nico Heinz, Max Kuhn, Fabio De Magistris
House Weekend Sessions (Groovy Radio Cuts), Vol. 3
John Modena, Ducka Shan, Mike Wryter, Encure, Brett Miller, AMT8, Ivan Kay, Fiorez, Jan Leyk, Patrik Hupe, Dave Crusher, Falko Niestolik, Point Blvnk, AMDM, Sean Nice, Roby Montano, Peppe Nastri, Stereoliner, Cirque Du Freak, Markhese, Andrea Dub, Iexxon, Sesa, Erin, Nrgee, Linda Axelsson, Accurate, Gerard, Cruzer, Nik Pryce, ACR, Antastic, Sandy Kay, Rory Wood, Tim Royko, Mike Leon, Andrew Belize, Adaptiv, Felix Schorn, Andrea Tufo, Jay Frog, E.M.C.K., Moestwanted, Joachim Garraud, Charlie Sputnik, Ridwello, Martina, Artywell, Don Lore V, The Dead Prezidents
Freaky Fridays ( The Radio Edits), Vol. 1
Jan Leyk, MZA, AMT8, 86beat, Valdemossa, The Sloppy 5th's, Code3000, Ron Reeser, Kriss Norman, AMDM, Sean Nice, Dominik Koislmeyer, Jimmy Burney, Purple Cafe, Sam Collins, Paula Douglas, Chico Chiquita, Nathan Brumley, Bragaa, Nrgee, David Hopperman, Amanda Wilson, Jonny Rose, Eugene Luu, Frederik Abas, John Modena, Loud Seduction, Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, Oni Sky, Roger Horton, LoVance, VNTRD, Roby Montano, Peppe Nastri, Joni, Senseekers, Moestwanted, Jean Beatz, Idin Gorji, The Dead Prezidents, Joachim Garraud, Charlie Sputnik, Ridwello, Amfree, Hoxtones, Sonia Singh
Happy Girls (Groovy House Beats), Vol. 4
Cladigal, Capo & Comes, Alex Denada, E.M.C.K., Gary Caos, Simioli, Ima, Peter Brown, K Krown, Nairolf, Chemical Disco, Jude & Frank, Tonio Liarte, L.A.Ros, Lopez Twins, AMDM, Sean Nice, John Konnor, LUNEKT, Sweet Female Attitude, Peverell Bros, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Stephane Karl, Reza, Nicole Tyler, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Unter Fix, Teo Moss, Aurel Devil, Alexandra Prince, Kid Shakers, Niko De Luka, The Deep Project, Dub Mechanics, Geoge F, Johnny Yip, Guan Elmzoon
Radio Dance Charts, Vol. 4 (40 Radio Smashers)
Manuel Baccano, Chris Tate, Jay Frog, Erick Decks, Jason Anoushe, Ron Carroll, Steve Edwards, R.O.N.N., Michael Murica, Damon Grey, AMDM, Sean Nice, Alex Myna, DJ Patisso, Laura Zeta, Viktor Newman, BeatFlashers, Baseek, Sunloverz, Hoxtones, Oni Sky, DJ Breeze, Linda Axelsson, Accurate, MadBro, Joni, Senseekers, Mot, Stereoliner, Cirque Du Freak, Falko Niestolik, Point Blvnk, Moestwanted, Alex Denada, E.M.C.K., Gorf, DJ Soulstar, Jan Leyk, Tavengo, Calmani & Grey, Leonail, Timbo, Bentfly, Zorro, Agent Lexie, Donkong, Jean Beatz, DBN, Gerard, Cruzer, Nik Pryce, Bartosz Brenes, Adam Rickfors, The Dead Prezidents, David Puentez, Eyedentity, Lumberjack, Tim Royko, Mike Leon, Frederik Abas, Nathan Brumley, Sesa, Erin, Hi Noise, Orffee, Zinner, Code3000, Alex B & Max Sabatini, Chris Ve, Eric Bright, Sergio Pardo
Dance Muchachos (Groovy House Tunes), Vol. 3
DJ Nevel, Leyla Griffiths, Zinner, Block & Crown, Kiki Doll, Jerry Ropero, Mad Bob, Terranova (IT), Slippy Beats, Roger Horton, Capo & Comes, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Stephane Karl, Reza, Nicole Tyler, Ash Paine, John Konnor, Lucy Clarke, Ashley Izco, Frater, Stent, Tom Da Lips, AMDM, Sean Nice, Tonio Liarte, Dub Mechanics, Geoge F, Jaques Le Noir, Vol2Cat, Deepberry, Cotton Animals, Kobes, Munfell Muzik, Ann Bailey, Peter Brown, DJ Fist, Lucas Reyes
FM Radio Gods, Vol. 4
Sam Collins, Paula Douglas, Jay Frog, Amfree, DJ Junior, Roger Slato, Viktor Newman, BeatFlashers, Ron Carroll, Steve Edwards, R.O.N.N., Michael Murica, Damon Grey, Tom Appl, Sunloverz, Hoxtones, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, Code3000, Falko Niestolik, Point Blvnk, Ron Reeser, Ducka Shan, Melvin Reese, DJ Nevel, Leyla Griffiths, Oni Sky, Roger Horton, Zorro, Agent Lexie, Donkong, Yoshua, Alex Myna, DJ Patisso, Laura Zeta, Krumm & Schief, AMDM, Sean Nice, DBN, Paul Vinx, Sean Finn, Amanda Wilson, Danny Better, Theo Andreassen, Krokodile Kruegel, Erick Decks, Monoloop, House Of Virus, Soliaris, 86beat, Schaukelpferd, AMinusLex, Marcelo Wallace
Jango Music Festival - ADE 2018
J. Isaac, Rino(IO)DJ, Danny Wild, Madsax, Jorda Luigia, Peverell, Capo & Comes, Jonk & Spook, Angel Heredia, Damon Grey, Sugarstarr, Stage Rockers, Block & Crown, dAVOS, ReLight Orchestra, Traks, Benny Camaro, Xander Ace, Paul Jockey, AMDM, Sean Nice, Roondabit, Havoc & Lawn, Peverell Bros, Jude & Frank, Alsahm, Black Legend Project, David Jimenez, Matt Caseli, Errol Reid, Ron Carroll, R.O.N.N., Fuzzy Hair, Teo Mandrelli, Richard Grey, Jay Frog, Francesco Diaz, Robbie Rivera, Troj
Jango Music Best of 2017
Capo & Comes, Paolo M., Roondabit, Havoc & Lawn, Block & Crown, Damon Grey, Bobbi Depasois, Peverell Bros, Luca Debonaire, Kiki Doll, AMDM, Sean Nice, Xander Ace, Benny Camaro, Sweet Female Attitude, Jonk & Spook, Popcorn Poppers, Djorda Luigia, Roger Da'Silva, John Modena, Kriss Norman, Splashfunk, Silvio Carrano, Housetronix, Felix & Gianx, Jaques Le Noir, Marco Carpentieri, DJ Soulstar, Kayligs, Mazai, Fomin, Amrick Chana
Ibiza Winter Session 2018 (25 House Hotties)
Sunloverz, Hoxtones, Hi Noise, Capo & Comes, Jonk & Spook, Maffa & Cap, Sean Finn, Amanda Wilson, Block & Crown, Kiki Doll, Gass Krupp, Jonathan Ulysses, Terri B!, Slippy Beats, Jaques Le Noir, Alex Denada, E.M.C.K., Chris Ve, Ben Ripe, Sweet Female Attitude, Peverell, Fred Fuller, Stereoliner, Cirque Du Freak, Damon Grey, Jon Kavock, Taylor William, Jolene, Sweet LA, Michael Murica, Benny Camaro, Fomin, Maza, Amrick Chann, AMDM, Sean Nice, Spendogg, Jerry Ropero, Joris Dee, HSR, Vonny & Clyde, Leanne Golding