2 hearts in a musical common modeThe DJ-project DoppelHerz has been touring through GermanClubs since 2013.Already some releases on beatport, a streaming on Ibiza LiveRadio and huge support from Lützenkirchen, Daniel Bortz, egoFM, Jean Claude Ades, Ramon Tapia, III-Boy Phil, DJ Linus,Cirillo and many more.The DJ-partners Philipp Kroth and Michael Nowak are not newto the German DJ scene. Both grown up with music, the twoguys collected experience on the turntables already at youngages. One from Germany’s East, the other one from the prealpineSouth.Philipp Kroth - an absolutely passionate DJ and performer.Michael Nowak – a highly gifted producer. Together they aremad on music.facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Doppelherz/240316056119981SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/philippkrothbeatport: http://www.beatport.com/artist/doppelherz/361031