Jacky isn’t too cool to admit he’s doing his dream job and loving every second. And it shows: when the curly haired smiler is bouncing about on the decks, plotting a route through big and boisterous house and tech, his energy is infectious. His crowds suck it up and give it back with relish, and have helped propel him from bedroom loser to European mainstay in just a few years. These days, Jacky somehow finds himself as a contemporary tastemaker: the tunes he makes have hit the top of the Beatport charts a number of times, and get big plays from key stars like Skream, Jamie Jones and Marco Carola. As a passionate drummer, everything this goofy Geordie does starts with the kicks and hits. From there he builds up
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Nhan Solo, Shermanology, Tim Baresko, Max Chapman, George Smeddles, Andrew Meller, Ammo Avenue, Will Taylor (UK), Jacky, Holmes John, Phonique, Jean Bacarreza, Piem, Mauro Venti, Dilby, Ekoboy, Roberto Surace, Lorenzo De Blanck, Ruben Mandolini, FEX (IT), DJ Fronter, Mauricio Brigante, LOV, Dale Howard, Salvatore Bruno, Dissolut, Paolo Martini, Mo Chocolate
DFTD Accapellas VLM 02
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