Fan of house music, plays FLORAN C for more than 15 years in the club in the south of France. He formed with singer Yohan Peralta (Pepe), an explosive duo under the name of THE FRENCH FAMILY. Producer, he signed regularly on international labels. Several times in the French charts, it is distinguished by its style House pumping. In 2012, he become one of the remixers official star Inna Romania with the title Ok signed on the label Universal. FLORAN C had the honor to mix alongside international DJs such as David Guetta, David Vendetta, Joachim Garraud, Laurent Wolf, Alex Gaudino Paulette & many others. To be continued ...
Latest Releases
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 17
Mark Bale, Aybewan, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Dion Mavath, Teo Moss, O.B, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte, Robin Bright, Jem's, Jaques Le Noir, Fabulous Addiction, Tomaas All, Harvel B, Tom Riviera, Sean Angel, Sydo, Haxent, Louise Browne, Jim Cerrano, James Hutchinson, Nyra_Tech, LeksTone, Steve Dekay, Luke Tolosan, Nerak, DJ Meg, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Midnight Beats, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Chadas Cort, Tom Buster, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, David Costa, Lemon3, Leah Delgado, Val Entin, CJ FireKinder, Cotry, Ivan Weber, Farren Amani, Lucas Reyes, Terri B!, Aggero, Ian Osborn, Nicolas Francoual, Lex Lara
The Oldschool, Vol. 17
Niko De Luka, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Kid Shakers, Mick Kastenholt, Brown Sugar, Terri B!, Stev Bray, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Teddy Richards, Riddimjunkies, Ellroy Clerk, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Mastro Deejay, Matt Myer, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Tiff & Trashkid, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, John De Mark, Peter Brown, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 16
John De Mark, Roger Slato, MacRoy, Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, Deft Duo, Matt Myer, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, A.C.N., DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, Shytsee, Max Gabriel, Gaba, Unknownz, Eva Menson, Nimi Dovrat, Chris Lago, Coraz, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Skvatt, Lowave, FOS, Michael A.M, Gregory Chekhov, Max Maikon, Tony S, Kimberley Wardle
Grooving Machine, Vol. 16
Reza, Nicole Tyler, Shena, Nico Heinz, Max Kuhn, Fabio De Magistris, Johnny Bravo, Stretch & Shout, Facture, Vigo Qinan, The Peverell Brothers, Antoine Cortez, Niko De Luka, Andy Silva, Andrey Exx, The 80s Ghetto Collective, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Gabriel, DJ Raymundo, Polina, Castellon, Lopez Twins, John De Mark, Steve Kid, Tom De Neef, Jacksquad, Mat Holtmann, Darko De Jan, No Nation, Blayze, Luna Moor, Souljackerz, L.a.b
Running Recipe, Vol. 16
Daft Steve, LeksTone, Jussendo, Feltting & GeRich, Robin Bright, Teo Moss, FOS, Michael A.M, Anthony Wells, Charlenn, Rod Debyser, Niko De Luka, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, The Riberaz, Daniel Altadill, A.D.S.R, Soul Addicts, Vuk Lukic, Sofija Sterenovic, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Crystalina, Teddy Richards, Mat Batur, Matto, Modestov, Techcrasher, Nic & Peter
House the Pub, Vol. 15
Lopez Twins, Matt Myer, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Niko De Luka, Duher, Tonio Liarte, Jon Craig, Roger Slato, Frater, Stent, Teo Moss, Aurel Devil, Kid Shakers, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Tiff & Trashkid, Dany Cohiba, The Deep Project One, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Tom Leeland
Bigeous Tunes, Vol. 15
French Kiss, TJK, Matto, Jaques Le Noir, Alexander Orue, Camille K, funKid, Julia Poly, Fat Cat, Red Bosses, A.D.S.R, Soul Addicts, Bastian Vilda, French Kick, Max Gabriel, Robin Bright, Brown Sugar, Kid Shakers, Anthony Attia, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, MC Shurakano, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Matt Myer, Niko De Luka
Grooving Machine, Vol. 14
Beatmechanic, Neil Page, Niko De Luka, The 80s Ghetto Collective, Lopez Twins, B.Vivant, DJ Deepsoul, John Konnor, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Peter Brown, Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, Jacques Chirac, A.D.S.R, Andy Silva, Baramuda, Deex, Mixline, Stereo Tonic, Avaro, Madness, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, DJ Turtle, Floran. C
The Old School, Vol. 14
Tom Da Lips, Frater & Sent, Groove Bandits, Alexandra Prince, Kid Shakers, Angel Stoxx, George F, Dub Mechanics, Bassfinder, Tayken, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Mastro Deejay, Marco Battagliero, Frater, Stent, Luke Tolosan, Mark Bale, Glazersound, Sharon May Linn, Luxure, Goose Bumps, A.C.N., Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, Tonio Liarte, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Duher
The Big Ones, Vol. 12
Deft Duo, B. Vivant, Ash Paine, Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, Niko De Luka, The 80s Ghetto Collective, Cristian Moxt, Sven Scott, Tonio Liarte, Peter Brown, Anthony Wells, Charlenn, Vivi, deziBL, Funky Dice, Dion Mavath, Matt Myer, Jon Craig, Goose Bumps, Damien N-Drix, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Robin Bright, Jem's, Stretch & Shout, Facture
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 8
Mark Bale, Aybewan, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Dion Mavath, Teo Moss, O.B, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte, Robin Bright, Jem's, Jaques Le Noir, Fabulous Addiction, Tomaas All, Harvel B, Tom Riviera, Sean Angel, Sydo, Haxent, Louise Browne, Jim Cerrano, James Hutchinson, Nyra (2), LeksTone, Steve Dekay, Luke Tolosan, Nerak, DJ Meg, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Midnight Beats, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Chadas Cort, Tom Buster, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, David Costa, Lemon3, Leah Delgado, Val Entin, CJ FireKinder, Cotry, Ivan Weber, Farren Amani, Lucas Reyes, Terri B!, Aggero, Ian Osborn, Nicolas Francoual, Lex Lara
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 6
Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, Unknownz, Eva Menson, Skvatt, Lowave, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, Tonny S, Kimberley Wardle, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, Chris Lago, Coraz, Gaba, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Nimi Dovrat, FOS, Michael A.M, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Deft Duo, A.C.N., Shytsee, Gregory Chekhov, Max Maikon, Matt Myer, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, John De Mark, Roger Slato, MacRoy, Max Gabriel
The Oldschool, Vol. 5
Niko De Luka, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Kid Shakers, Mick Kastenholt, Brown Sugar, Terri B!, Stev Bray, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Teddy Richards, Riddimjunkies, Ellroy Clerk, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Mastro Deejay, Matt Myer, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Tiff & Trashkid, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, John De Mark, Peter Brown, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn
House to Remember, Vol. 3
Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Rod Debyser, Kid Shakers, The Freshguys, The Black Widow, Yanter, Superball, BK Duke, Ezzy Safaris, Chris Crisp, Stephen Pickup, Rio Dela Duna, Arone Clein, John De Mark, Roger Slato, MacRoy, Vivi, deziBL, Funky Dice, Deft Duo, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Duher, Goose Bumps, O.B, Teo Moss, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Mastro Deejay, Marco Battagliero, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Majuri, Brown Sneakers
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 1
Tonny S, Kimberley Wardle, FOS, NekliFF, Michael A.M, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Nerak, DJ Meg, Mike Ivy, Nimo Iero, Leah Delgado, Elias & Karp, The Riberaz, Fix-stern, Brown Sugar, Tomaas All, Harvel B, Duher, Glazersound, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Skvatt, Lowave, Gregory Chekhov, Max Maikon, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Diaz, Luna Moor, Ian Osborn, Nicolas Francoual, Lex Lara, Bronzato, Virkiss, Amrick Channa, DJ Flore, Agent Q, DJ Junior, Kallay Saunders, Robin Bright
Suka Loves Hollywood, Vol. 05
Tonny S, Kimberley Wardle, Paga, Ninoo, KAWILO, Valentina J Woods, Jim Cerrano, James Hutchinson, Nyra (2), FOS, Michael A.M, Terri B!, Luxure, Toddi Reed, Max Creative, Anya Kohanchik, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, John De Mark, Roger Slato, MacRoy, Tonio Liarte, Yanter, Superball, Maxim Leity, Cub'X, Fabulous Addiction, Ellroy Clerk, Mike Ivy, MMAIO, Irrenhouse, Mastro Deejay, DJ Chick, Daniel Patt, Pipe Cruz, Angerwolf, Fix-stern, DJ Junior, Viktoria Metzker
Spring Progressive Music, Vol.2
Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Mark Bale, Aybewan, O.B, Brown Sugar, Kid Shakers, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Teo Moss, Damien N-Drix, Frater, Stent, DJ Pearl, Vertical Smile, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Anthony Attia, The Riberaz, Derek West, Midnight Beats, At It, Dirty Shade
Winter Progressive Music, Vol. 3
Deft Duo, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte, Dion Mavath, B.Vivant, DJ James Munich, A.C.N., Charlenn, Anthony Attia, Damien N-Drix, Mark Bale, Brown Sugar, Midnight Beats, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, The Riberaz, Madness, At It, Shytsee, Dirty Shade, Christopher Damas
Courchevel Session, Vol.2
Lemon3, Stereo Tonic, Avaro, Massive Vox, Jim Cerrano, O.B, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, Christopher Damas, Madness, At It, Derek West, Midnight Beats, Anthony Attia, The Riberaz, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Daft Steve, LeksTone, A.C.N., Vivi, Goose Bumps, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte
Hard Night, Vol. 13
Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Anthony Attia, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Brown Sugar, Luke Tolosan, Frater, Stent, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Farren Amani, Lucas Reyes, Terri B!, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, The Riberaz, Luxure, Aybewan, Derek West, Midnight Beats, Christopher Damas, O.B, Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Tim Silent, Haxent, Louise Browne, NekliFF, DeadHouse, Roy Morgan, Urban Tunes, Yeray Rocha, Omy Cid
Progressive Anthems, Vol. 11
Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Glazersound, Brown Sugar, Kid Shakers, KAWILO, Valentina J Woods, Jim Cerrano, Val Entin, Midnight Beats, eSquire, SkiV, Vertical Smile, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Cotry, Ivan Weber, A.C.K., Slyax, System B, Irrenhouse, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, OFFBeat, Polina Griffith, Nerak, DJ Meg, Farrel, Andy Broker, Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Luke Tolosan
Suka Addict, Vol. 10
Mastro, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Aggero, Audiobeat, SickSound, Cotry, Ivan Weber, The Riberaz, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Sean Angel, Sydo, Mike Ivy, Nimo Iero, Leah Delgado, Ellroy Clerk, MMAIO, Matt Myer, Brown Sugar, Tomaas All, Harvel B, Maxim Leity, Cub'X, Jim Cerrano, James Hutchinson, Nyra (2), KAWILO, Valentina J Woods, Kid Shakers, Eric Coutinho, Teo Moss, Aurel Devil
Pool Beach, Vol. 15
Mark Bale, Aybewan, Marina Litvinova, Alex Grand, Mike Glazunov, Eric Coutinho, Tom Buster, Dirty Shade, Ellroy Clerk, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Teo Moss, Audiobeat, SickSound, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Nimi Dovrat, Sean Angel, Sydo, Mike Ivy, Nimo Iero, Leah Delgado, Shytsee, Azulureus, eSquire
Progressive Anthems, Vol. 9
FOS, Michael A.M, Chris Lago, Coraz, Maxim Leity, Cub'X, Rikko, Sun Ray, Urban Tunes, Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Tim Silent, O.B, Mark Bale, Aybewan, Def Rock, The Riberaz, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Nimi Dovrat, Aggero, Haxent, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Monsieur Elle, Audiobeat, SickSound
Progressive House Weapons, Vol. 6
Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Luke Tolosan, Josh Dickens, Louisa Bass, Sean Angel, Sydo, Mike Ivy, Nimo Iero, Leah Delgado, MMAIO, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Tim Silent, Haxent, Azulureus, Stereo Tonic, Avaro, Frater, Stent, Dion Mavath, Aggero, Jim Cerrano, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, Mark Bale, Aybewan, Blayze, Luna Moor, Massive Vox, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix
Deep Sound Vol.6
DJ Fist, Lucas Reyes, Maxim Leity, Cub'X, Rikko, Sun Ray, Gaba, Johnny Beast, Sherry Bright, O.B, Derek West, Midnight Beats, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, The Riberaz, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix, Sean Angel, Sydo, Scott Chester, Jamielisa, Teo Moss, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Eric Coutinho, Frater, Stent, Dion Mavath, Brown Sugar, SL Curtiz, Domovnik
House Music All Night Long Vol.6
Derek West, Midnight Beats, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Brown Sugar, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Eric Coutinho, Lemon3, Ua Tea, Vertical Smile, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Cotry, Ivan Weber, Aggero, Peter Gelderblom, OFFBeat, eSquire, Polina Griffith, John De Mark, Roger Slato, Rico Caruso, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Teo Moss, Maxim Leity, Cubx, Chris Lago, Coraz, Haxent, Louise Browne, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, DJ Turtle, Floran. C