Dj Skot, born 1975, april the 9th in Tournai, Belgium. He started to spin the decks in 1994, played in many clubs & nightbars in the south of Belgium. 2003 ,He earned his first residency in a flanders private club.Regular clubber, during 2007, he met many deejays as Dj Ghost, former resident at H2o Club. Ghosts gave Skot his chance in the famous Ghost Birthday Party @ H2o club. Recognized by big names of the local scene, he earned many bookings in many clubs , such as h2o club, la bush, Teknik Factory, Lagoa, but also in events like Liberty White and Ghoststyle...In 2011, he becomes resident and artistic director of THE SUB, where he shares decks with Manu Kenton & Samuel Sanders. 2012, he manages techno parties at H2o
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Elektrax Recordings: Best of 2017
Daniela Haverbeck, Maria Savage, Sopik, Sandro Galli, Darpa, Ig Noise, EINHORN (DE), Hell Driver, Marcello Perri, DJ Ogi, Tawa Girl, Gabeen, Ninna V, Terra4beat, Carara, MOT3K, Lewis Shephard, Tropar Flot, Tuomas Rantanen, Twins Project, Skot, Destroyer, Phil Albedo, George Makrakis, Hannes Matthiessen, AnGy KoRe
Sounds from the Darkness
80 Doppel D, Acutech, Alex Cartella, Alex Five, Alex Pierantoni, Alex Rampol, Zoltan Katona (Kato), Andrea Sorbo, Annika Owen, Atze Ton, Bartman, Bearman, Carara, Chris Mole, Christian E, Dan Morgan Kurt, Dan-Tek, Dark Skyline, David Suono, Delphi, Dickaz123, Dj Cid, DJ Ogi, Massi Paoli, DJ Steel, DJ Style, DJin Darane, Dj's Double Smile, The E.d., DrumDivision, Eddy Jay, Ferum, Sopik, Enrico Sommer, Filip Tedesc, Franco Vrillon, Freddy Fuentes, Freiheit, The Jocker, Gabros, Giacomo Sturiano, Gio Locapo, Kony Donales, Greg Dee, Guil Uzaka, Hallien, Itzy Fuziaky, Jamie Dill, Skot, JayDoubleU, Joy Fagnani, JRB, Julius Pescador, Ken Young, Kinko Acid, Klangreaktor, Kr!st, KriZFade, Lars Herbordt, Lele Fontana, Locomoto, Thomas Rogala, MaKaJa Gonzales, Marcel Dope, Marcel Locust, Mark Gilbride, Matt Salou, MDF, Mikadroid, Mirko Farano, Mozzy, N.o.b.a., Nico Kohler, Nicolas, Nikoretti, Screamer, Nizzy, Noseda, Obscure, Old Riders, Oliver Lamur, MheTa Ton, Paintrain, Patrick Hollo, Paulo AV, Pendulo, Ruggero Vanni, Ryan Kobal, Sandro Galli, Sun:Elektrisch, Sendefehler, S-Peacox, Stevie Rose, Techno Farben, The Salppe, Timao, Toothpick, V!NH, VNC1, Yamel, Zesar Mar
Sounds from the Afterlife
@Non!m, Yamel, Ader, Amir Razanica, Kai Pattenberg, Angelo Raguso, Kay To, Balkonkind, Bearman, Bosphore, Ced.Rec, Audiocoma, DJ Style, Raja, Chriss J, Christian E, Christian Schachinger, Christoph Kaese, ChromNoise, Chronisch Komisch, Cristian Myt, Crytone, Darkskye, Davidoid, Disco&Bass, Dj Cid, DJ Ogi, DJin Darane, Dominik Kenngott, Emir Hazir, End 519, Enrico Fuerte, Francesco Terranova, Kony Donales, Freddy Fuentes, Fresh Otis, Funghi, Gabros, Gary Hiutz, Gen2.7, Horrorbass, IND.FX, MaKaJa Gonzales, JayDoubleU, Jim Bob, Dj R. Flo, Klangreaktor, Klangtronik, Klauz, Komut, Kr!st, Kriss Overlake, KriZFade, Leon Boose, Living Matter, M.A.R.L.O.N., Marcsen W, Mario Memoli, Marko Christie, VTONE, Melissa Nikita, MheTa Ton, Mikadroid, Mozzy, Mr.Cashmere, Neusn, Noseda, Oam Akay, Paul Begge, Paulo AV, Peter Niemi, Depussy, Rafael Melow, Ramorae, Russell K, Ryan Kobal, S.T.O.N.E.D., Sendefehler, Skot, Smokybeats, Stevie Rose, Strobetech, SunElektrisch, Terra4beat, The Salppe, Tom Nihil, Tomtec., Tonikattitude, TurnTekktixx, Virnox, Voodoopriester
Elektrax Recordings: Best of 2016
AnGy KoRe, A.Paul, Hell Driver, I1 Ambivalent, Destroyer, Darmec, Steve Shaden, Tuomas Rantanen, Niereich, Marcello Perri, Sopik, Claas Herrmann, Avgusto, Dual Fuel, Mark Rogan, Hellboy, Andre Grandeza, Carara, Skot, Collapsed, Filipe Barbosa, Fabian Jakopetz, Milex, Manuel Pisu, DJ Scale Ripper, Sceptical C
Sounds from Hell
80 Doppel D, Ader, Alex Cartella, Alex Rampol, Amir Razanica, Atie Horvat, Atze Ton, Audiocoma, AudioDistraction, B.W.D., Marcomusa, Ced.Rec, Maze Runner, Chronisch Komisch, Dan Morgan Kurt, Dan-Tek, Hallien, Darkskye, Darmec, TurnTekktixx, Dennis Ortner, DULEP, Emir Hazir, Enrico Fuerte, exploSpirit, Alex Five, Freddy Fuentes, Neusn, Gabros, Desctructive Interference, Hanz & Franz, James Grill, JayDoubleU, K-Freak, Living Matter, Sendefehler, Leon Boose, M.A.R.L.O.N., Marcel Locust, Marcsen W, Marko Christie, Manudi, Matthias Korg J, Mozzy, Nizzy, Young Bad Twinz, Otin, Patrick Hollo, Primal Beat, Christian Schachinger, Rhate, Psyked, Schizophren, Bekkar, Sickwave, Skot, Smokybeats, Sopik, Strobetech, Timao, Tonikattitude, Twist3d, Voodoopriester, Klangtronik, Disastar, Kami, Struvo
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