Rain Or Shine

Rain Or Shine

"Following the daily musical mood and not the trend of themoment" is the mainphilosophy behind the project Rain or Shine.Everything began in a shiny summer's day while Josh wasplaying on a beachparty.The pair, friends for more than two decades, decided then tomeet in thestudio."That day" say the duo "it was pouring down"...."An awfulday outside but ashiny one on our life"....from here the name "Rain or Shine"Lollo Bruni & Josh come from two very differentbackgrounds.At 18 years old Lollo, amused by the british electronic vibe,moved to Londonwhere he started to work with programs like Reason andLogic and started tocollect "analog equipment" that is at the base of R.O.Ssound.Josh after many years spent behind the decks, had theprivilege to play insome of the best italian clubs and parties such as Cocoricò,Villa Delle

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