Ahmed Daly AKA DJ Dalysovich was born Tunisia . He grewup and living in Ariana all his time there. He has obtained aMaster's degree in Business studies, but clearly that wasn’this passion. Dalysovich has found music ..Even as early as 1995 he started making his owncomposions using a Piano.But he wanted to become a more professional producer, soas from 1999 he started using Softwares and he bought hisown gear and produced tracks like crazy. NowadaysDalysovich aims more on producing then being a DJ. Heentered a lot of Remix contests and listened to other work toimprove his own skills. And this paid off. From the beginningof 2007 he was asked by KULT Records NYC to release hisfirst tracks “La Mariposa” on their label, and he got theinterest of other DJ’s and