Jan Dalvík is known in the electronic scene as producer and sound-designer for 25 years now. He successfully collaborated with several artists, but today it’s time to release in his own name. Dalvík is well-known for analog sound-design, his music impresses by groovy and impulsive beats. Next to that the tracks „Basar“ and „Napur“ reveal ethnical in uence, which serves to convert his visual travel impressions into music.He is also successfully hosting a DJ residency at Club Romantica & Club Kowalski, Stuttgart/ Germany.
Latest Releases
Global Underground: Adapt #3
Senses Of Mind, LeSonic, Guy Mantzur, Lonya, Adam Gorlizki, Sebjak, Ӧzgür Can, Zoo Brazil, Wolf & Moon, Namito, Ruede Hagelstein, blaktone, Dezarate, Jean Avazane, Soul Button, Modeplex, Richie Blacker, Ciaran Duffy, Gary Beck, Allo, Marvin & Guy, Florian Kruse, Julian Wassermann, Raxon, Avision, Adi Dassler, Jan Dalvik, Michael Hooker, M.E.E.O, Matador, ARTBAT, Tom Demac, Pheromone Blue, AFFKT, Graeme L, Uner, Upercent, Trafik, Hunter/Game, Nick Curly, Melody Stranger, Andre Sobota, Sailor & I, Global Underground
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