Julian Mc Cain

Julian Mc Cain

Julian Mc Cain (Giuliano Marino), is a young DJ and producer from Salento,Italy.His incredible passion for music from an early age led him behind thedecks, and grew to his love of the two turntables. Eclectic and inspiring,Julian constantly researches new sounds and genres, he lifts the limitson his creativity. Not forgetting his roots in deep & soul, his style is ina process of evolving musically. Lately Mc Cain is moving towards moretechno-house productions.His records have been released by the most well known labels in Housemusic such as InHouse Records (New York),Asymmetric Recordings (TelAviv), Open Bar Music (New York), Heavy Records (New York), PumpzRecordings (France) and many others.Julian has played in many prestigious clubs in his native Italy as well asinternationally, for example, Belfast Club (Radomsko- Poland), BluBay(Lecce-Italy), Living (Lecce-Italy), Kaibo

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