Lui Young

Lui Young alias Eleminal discovered the electronic world oreven better the electronic world discovered him. Inspired byseveral party visits and big artists like Sven Väth, AdamBeyer, Hell and influenced by these artists he was carriedinto the world of techno. He took its time go work himself intothe material of “electronic music“. T he results, gigs invarious clubs in Switzerland.After joining the CircleoneBooking & Beats Management agency, more gigs followedthrough out the clubs Switzerland.Friend Roger Z urbrügg and Lui produced in 2001/02 thesound for the project “Der-Voyeur“. For this project theytoured through the clubs of switzerland. Shortly afterwardsthey went separate ways sadly, but Lui concentrated ondjing and producing his own way.Together with friend Adrian Martin, the first tracks named"Norka“ and "Fullness“ have been released onVeryVeryWrongIndeed Records UK. It followed a remix

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