Dj, producer of electronic music in a House-Techno styleFreakiss educates his musical ear at an early age with apassionate father of music Blues-Jazz-Soul (L.Hampton,L.Amstrong, R.Charles, D.Ellington , F.Domino ...), home theturntable is a real addiction ... Soundtracks (E.Morricone,GMDermot, J.Williams ...) but also composers, frenchperformers (S.Gainsbourg , C.Nougaro, Charles Aznavour ...)tend to mom's ear ... Arrive adolescence and openness tothe world by so-called alternative music, thanks to radiostations as "Nova", "FG", "AGORA", "Eko garrigue","LeMouv" it creates a real world and musical identity. Thencomes the "slap" Electronic called "FrenchTouch" in themiddle of the year 90, he fully recognized in this music, thefirst "Raves" friends enable him to understand thephilosophy of a movement that has never ceased to evolveuntil today. The evidence and the party organization envy inthe south of France are quickly