Since childhood, the outgoing and likeable Austrian,Braunton, has been fascinated with computergeneratedmusic.Bythe age of 14, his interest in synthesizers and recordplayers had taken over. His desire tobecome a DJ was no longer just a dream. He wascompletely determined to achieve his goal.Soon afterwards, as his career progressed, a sequencerprogramme, record player and mixingconsole were his constant companions. After a few gigs, ithad become quite obvious: Braunton isthe colour of Techno and he rocks the crowd!Ever since, computer-generated music has been anessential part of Braunton's life.After completing his vocational training, he decided to godeeper into the “matter of music” andbegan to study “Audio Engineering”. He graduated from theSAE with honours and received his“Bachelor of Arts.” T his education enabled him to set footinto the music industry professionally.He produced his first