Akin to the mysterious sea anemone, Daniel Allen's sensibilities extend from deep underground straight up to the glimmering surface. Since his start in '89, he's had his tentacles in everything — 80s, drum & bass, house, techno, and all fusions thereof — giving his DJ sets a riveting, tactile quality. Young junglist Dizzy emerged from Houston’s after-hours spots in the 90s. Then a decade later, with an entire record shop at his ngertips while working at Chemistry, a more cultivated Daniel Allen dove into production. For the last fteen years, he’s continued to mix his palette with unwavering meticulousness, garnering the support of labels Audiophile Deep, BluFin, Bush, Harmonious Discord, Panhandle, Whiskey Pickle, and several others. Within the last 5 years Daniel has caught the attention of Viva Recordings, Red