Prepare to enter the Kingdom of Spanish production duo,Animal Picnic. Daniel Banker and Iñigo de la Riera havebeen best friends for years, whilst all the time individuallyslowly honing and fine tuning their respective musicaltechniques whilst always endeavoring to create housemusic of the highest order. In 2012 the two became one,their future was re-written, and Animal Picnic was born.Based in Ibiza, Animal Picnic host residencies at 9Nine andGuarana Ibiza, and playing many times on Ibiza GlobalRadio, together with a monthly Spirit Soul podcast residencywhich regularly receives in excess of 8,000 listens per show.Since pin-pointing their sound they have gone on to releaseworks on such esteemed imprints as Eklektisch, Alma Soul,Sleazy Deep and Spirit Soul Recordings to name but a few.A star has been born no doubt, but of course this is