When it comes to records Vincent Thomas knows both sides. In most producers’ biographies there is a straight line from spinning records to producing records. In his case it’s different: Vincent had his hands at the production controls as well as on the turntables.
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Progressive Classics
Jerry Ropero, Tom Novy, Tom & Jerry, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, Veerus, Maxie Devine, Swanky Tunes, Farren Amani, Lucas Reyes, Terri B!, DJ Fist, The Bass Kidz, Futuristic Polar Bears, Mike Moorish, Phaxx, Daniel Ortega, Massimo Santucci, SL Curtiz, Frankox, Peter Brown, Luke Tolosan, Arbre Blass, Erick Morillo, Eddie Thoneick, Patrick Hagenaar, Patric La Funk, David Hopperman, Christian Weber
San Giorgio Mykonos - Pool Beats by Tom Novy
Sebastian Wojkowski, Vincent Thomas, Shuja, Vin Rose, Kris Menace, Black Hills, Schwarz 100, Krono, VanJess, Felix Kröcher, Andrea Roma, Leusin, Sebastien, Tom Novy, Veralovesmusic, Tiga, Ramon Tapia, Rob Harvey, Empas, Planet of Sound, Amadeas, Lexy & K-Paul, Yasha, Dave Lambert, Terri B!, Big Daddy, Colee Royce
Bam Bam Bam
Etienne De Crecy, Dusty Kid, Whirlpool Productions, Play Paul, Nicos Marcos, Mason, Dandi & Ugo, Rainer Weichhold, Lutzenkirchen, Jean Claude Ades, Vincent Thomas, Sam Obernik, Tommy Trash, Butch, Tonka, Coburn, Markus Lange, Daniel Dexter, Trashtalk, Greg Churchill, Scandy, Namito, Martin Eyerer, John Evans, Atomic Hooligan, Christian Fischer, Rodolfo Wehbba
Rainer Weichhold's Secret Weapons
Butch, Stephan Hinz, Diringer, Whirlpool Productions, Gregor Tresher, Lutzenkirchen, Rockers Hi-Fi, Oliver Klein, Peter Juergens, Guy Gerber, Dandi & Ugo, Rainer Weichhold, Dusty Kid, Play Paul, Nicos Marcos, Mike Monday, Namito, Martin Eyerer, Pressure Drop, Ramon Tapia, Tonka, John Evans, Daniel Bortz, Rocha & Lewinger, Vincent Thomas, Oliver Koletzki, Christian Fischer, GusGus, Trick & Kubic
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