Andre Walter started his career as a producer in the early eighties. Influenced by bands like Skinny Puppy, Cabaret Voltaire, Nitzer Ebb and the artist Isao Tomita, Andre started to to experiment with his first audio tools (Atari 1040ST) and tracks. During that period, he made the acquaintance of folks from Giessen like Toni Rios, Marco Cannata and Tommy Bingel, the director of the record store Downtown Records. From that time on he evolved to a frequently requested producer supporting various musicians, DJ's and artists. Andres first releases were published on the famous labels Harthouse (as "Holocube"), Eye-Q (as "Aquaform"), Kick Down, Fucking Loud and Universal Prime Breaks. In 1994 Andre ran into Chris Liebing at the popular record store Downtown Records in Giessen, where famous Dj`s and acts had