Since he started a personal and dynamic path through theelectronic music world, Logotech's sounds had assumed astrongly introspective nature.Emotions processed in synthetic harmonies, embedded tohypnotic rhythms and space drones act as the commonthread between Logotech's compositions, shaping amultidimensional resonances able to wrap the bystander ina symbiotic fusion.His inner view it's a metaphoric mind projection of theparadoxical feeling of claustrophobia caused by shipping inthe open space, shuffled to the astonishment induced byperiodic vision of beautiful and unknown landscapes.Logotech designs his feelings. Reverbered spaces,distorted breaks, hypnotic melodies and randominterferences mould his music to reconsider the old schooltechno paradigms in something connected with his mind.This concept is also reflected in his sets, where rhythmincreases tension while it is moving forward unchallengedthrough sincopate melodies, hypnotic percussions andbuilding grooves that produce introspection on “who” and“where”.Faces