The project "ATProject" was founded in 2008 by the union of 2 dj music emerging Avellino: Raffaele Landi and Giulio Cini, both belonging to the class of 1985. Raffaele cultivated his passion for Techno from an early age, he began playing with the name Raftek in the club of his town. His hunger for knowledge of the fascinating world of 'sound merges with the achievement in 2009 with the title of "Sound Engineer". Giulio Cinicomes from aHouse music, its evolution through the years of 2000 and this also involves changing his style in the party. today is the protagonist of 2 actually, one known as ATProject and the second as Giulio Cini (using Tech-House sound). In 2009 the Neapolitan organization "Hardfactory" decides to put ATProject in the most important partieswith