Radion6 (Ruud Kretzers) was born on the 23rd of July 1982 in The Netherlands. His interest in music goes back to his childhood. At the age of 3 he was already familiar with the piano. Music has always been part of his life. Late 90’s his dj career started.In 2008 he tested his producing skills and in 2009 he got his first release under the name Radion 6. This record was released at Spinnin’ Records/oxygen. His tracks have been picked up by many big names like Armin van Buuren, Tiësto, Markus Schulz, Judge Jules, Sander van Doorn and many more..In Spring 2011 he also decided to start as a dj, so you can fully enjoy music and sets of Radion6! With the potential he showed in the past it is
Latest Releases
30 Vocal Trance Hits
Aurosonic, Cathy Burton, Costa, Julia Violin, Omnia, Dart Rayne, Yura Moonlight, Mhammed El Alami, Alan Morris, Amir Hussain, Paipy, AxelPolo, Ruslan Radriges, Stoneface & Terminal, Beat Service, Myde, RedSound, SoundLift, Steve Allen, Trance Classics, 4 Strings, Radion6, Seawayz, Sollito, Jillenhans, LTN, Liam Wilson, Tenishia, Kaimo K, Julian Vincent, Dark Matters
30 Vocal Trance Hits
Dart Rayne, Yura Moonlight, Katty Heath, Kaimo K, Cold Rush, Allen Watts, BiXX, Aurosonic, Costa, Alan Morris, Stoneface & Terminal, Stargazers, Sam Laxton, Radion6, Raz Nitzan, Maarten De Jong, Metta & Glyde, Temple One, The Peaceful Trees, 4 Strings, James Dymond, ReOrder, Steve Allen, Chris Metcalfe, Adam Ellis, Re:Locate, Simon Anthony
Keep It Trance, Vol. 06
Armaxione, CJ Alexis, Nicole, Chris Rain, David Deere, Milad E, Liquid Dream, Burnz B, Claus Backslash, Sunlight State, Hirneek, Sergiy Akinshin, Novel, Pavel Koreshkov, ThreeMinds, Pablo Artigas, h.x.e., Gayax, Lyd14, N-sKing, Gelvetta, Sendr, NOHC, Master Beat Projekt, Radion6, Hiromori Aso, Elgfrothi, Partygreser, Matthew Dreamer
Vocal Trance Classics 2022
Beat Service, Neev Kennedy, Omnia, Ana Criado, The Doppler Effect, Richard Durand, Cynthia Hall, Yuri Kane, Sopheary, Rafael Frost, Jennifer Rene, Susana, Raz Nitzan, Maria Nayler, Aurosonic, Stine Grove, Costa, Cathy Burton, Jess Morgan, Witness45, Stoneface & Terminal, Fenna Day, Hazem Beltagui, Sarah Lynn, Radion6, Katty Heath, 4 Strings, Denise Rivera, Robert Nickson, Re:Locate, Cate Kanell, Ellie Lawson, Moya Brennan, The Blizzard, Sarah Russell, C-Systems, Hanna Finsen, Sleepthief, Zoe Johnston, Tiff Lacey, Zetandel, Store N Forward, Sylvia Brandse, Tom Boldt, Stephanie Reyes, Elles De Graaf, Mhammed El Alami, Kate Louise Smith, Stargazers, Farhad Mahdavi, Tricia McTeague, Jan Johnston, Kirsty Hawkshaw, Trance Arts, Audrey Gallagher, Klassy Project, Susanne Teutenberg, Carol Lee
Warehouse Techno, Vol. 10
Tom Rotzki, Sergio Pardo, Dog Master Joe, Pavel Bibikov, Syberian98, aexexe, Dennis Bauer, Antonio Sepe, Nei Fidelis, Martin Stoilkov, Nauppa, D-Richhard, Beerhouser, Astrotek (IT), MARK HAMILTON, C.SCH, Morph19.78, Radion6, Mike Redfields, Vladislav Nogin, Philip Brocklehurst, Arne Kappen, Alan Morales, Tony Ess, Arian Faraone, Barbosa
Essential Peak Time Techno, Vol. 07
Chemical Dumpster, ST3VM3LLZ, Rogier Dulac, C.SCH, Andrew Novelli, Nicola Serena, Johan Vais, Deejay Balius, Jhon Denas, Biggs, Nogoodmorning, Morph19.78, Radion6, Mike Redfields, LaFontaine (IS), Vladislav Nogin, RFLCTN, Arne Kappen, Gaioski, Julio Posadas, Ozerov, D'Lay, Apopheniac, Pareidolist, Oiza, IGONZ DJ, Noida, Oblomov, Alan Morales
Vocal Trance Classics Top 40
Cosmic Gate, Emma Hewitt, Omnia, Ana Criado, Andain, Yuri Kane, Sopheary, Julie Thompson, Super8 & Tab, Radion6, Katty Heath, First State, Sarah Howells, Richard Durand, Cynthia Hall, Sarah Lynn, Kyau & Albert, Maria Nayler, Susana, Neev Kennedy, John O'Callaghan, Betsie Larkin, Markus Schulz, The Doppler Effect, Costa, Cathy Burton, 4 Strings, Susanne Teutenberg, Brooke Tomlinson, JES, Stoneface & Terminal, Fenna Day, Sue McLaren, Alex Leavon, Ellie Lawson, Frainbreeze, Hazem Beltagui, Relyk, Raz Nitzan, Elles De Graaf, Alan Morris, Jan Johnston, DJ Cor Fijneman, Audrey Gallagher, Flynn & Denton, Simon Paul, Kaimo K, Cold Rush, Victoria Shersick, Jak Aggas, Phillip J, Kim Casandra, Stine Grove, Clare Stagg, Storm State, A.R.D.I., Aeris, Jo Cartwright, Roxanne Emery, Zedo, Lost Witness, Kate Louise Smith
Trance 2021 Top 100
Steve Allen, Deirdre McLaughlin, Paul Skelton, 4 Strings, Ellie Lawson, Trance Classics, Michael Angelo, Solo, BiXX, Philippe El Sisi, Sarah Russell, Suncatcher, Exolight, Aurosonic, Katie Marne, Tiff Lacey, Zetandel, Denise Rivera, Frainbreeze, Raz Nitzan, Fenna Day, C-Systems, Hanna Finsen, Costa, Averagaint, Phillip J, Kim Casandra, Elara, Kaimo K, XiJaro & Pitch, Corrado Baggieri, Chariots, Elles De Graaf, Jak Aggas, Beat Service, Ana Criado, Christopher Corrigan, Maxine, Metta & Glyde, Kenny Palmer, Mhammed El Alami, Waltin Jay, Susana, Veronica K, Stine Grove, Manon Polare, Nord Horizon, Beatsole, Kimberly Hale, Eugenio Tokarev, Dmitry Strochenko, Katty Heath, Kate Louise Smith, Nitrous Oxide, Jaki Nelson, Re:Locate, Simon Anthony, Meredith Bull, Kiyoi & Eky, Myde, Sharon Valerona, Jimmy Chou, Jericho Frequency, Sylvia Bremer, h.x.e., Danny Eaton, Michael Fearon, Victoria Leshchenko, Paipy, Sergiy Akinshin, Bluskay, Sue McLaren, Yoshi & Razner, James Dymond, Tenishia, Alan Morris, F.G. Noise, Emma Horan, Patrik Humann, Stoneface & Terminal, Spark7, Zack Roth, Semblance Smile, Achilles, Jessie Lee Thetford, Tara Louise, U4EUH, Drival, Cathy Burton, Sarah Lynn, Jo Cartwright, Danny Claire, Sneijder, Cate Kanell, RedSound, SoundLift, Susanne Teutenberg, Legend B, Sarah Howells, Route Too Far, Audrey Gallagher, Klassy Project, SCHALA, Shannon Hurley, Noise Zoo, Selim Ozkaya, Db Mokk, Talla 2XLC, Chris Jennings, Kym Marsh, Dmitriy Kuznetsov, Code 2, Radion6, Aldous
Best of Vocal Trance
Nitrous Oxide, RedMoon, Jo Cartwright, Kaimo K, Bluskay, Allen & Envy, Chris Metcalfe, Robert Nickson, Re:Locate, Adam Ellis, Costa, Farhad Mahdavi, Sunset Slave, Eximinds, Radion6, Cold Rush, Amine Maxwell, Mhammed El Alami, F.G. Noise, Passenger 75, Myde, Blue5even, Sergey Shabanov, Eloquentia, Alex Ender
Trance 2021
Aurosonic, Costa, Cathy Burton, Julia Violin, 4 Strings, Susanne Teutenberg, Roxanne Emery, BiXX, Nitrous Oxide, Ana Criado, Imi, Mhammed El Alami, Fenna Day, Philippe El Sisi, Sue McLaren, Susana, James Dymond, Metta & Glyde, CC, Frainbreeze, Radion6, Raz Nitzan, HyperPhysics, Braulio Stefield, Sharon Valerona, RedMoon, Jo Cartwright, Ellie Lawson, Asteroid, Bigtopo, Yoshi & Razner, Seawayz, MR90, Ricardo Ferraro, Korah, Emma Horan, Andreas Tillnert, Kaimo K, Lost Witness, Tracey Carmen, Karanda, Sarah Russell, Kenny Palmer, James De Torres
A Decade of Female Vocal Trance (2010 - 2020)
Aurosonic, Stine Grove, Dart Rayne, Cathy Burton, Yura Moonlight, Ellie Lawson, Trance Classics, Nitrous Oxide, Denise Rivera, Kate Louise Smith, Stargazers, 4 Strings, Sarah Lynn, Radion6, Katty Heath, Richard Durand, Cynthia Hall, Omnia, Ana Criado, Dark Matters, Jess Morgan, Beat Service, Neev Kennedy, Manon Polare, Craving, Audrey Gallagher, Carol Lee, Hazem Beltagui, Sarah Russell, Sarah Howells, Route Too Far, Suncatcher, Exolight, Hanna Finsen, A.R.D.I, Sergey Shabanov, Jo Cartwright, Stoneface & Terminal, Fenna Day, Susana, Kaimo K, Sue McLaren, Elles De Graaf, Alan Morris, Ronski Speed, Ost & Meyer, Cate Kanell, Raz Nitzan, Maria Nayler, Roxanne Emery, Zedo, Julia Ross, Cristina Soto, Saad Ayub, Shannon Hurley, Dennis Sheperd, Christina Novelli
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