2Moellers is an Italian music project founded in 2011 by the dj producer Sandro Moeller.Sandro Moeller began his artistic career in Milan in 2007. TV spots, fashion, bands, theatre, radio, are just some of the artistic features that represent his life. He is a producer and remixer of various musical styles (techno, tech house, progressive house, dance, electronica) and He has also collaborated with various pop music artists, jazz and blues musicians. Midi controllers, pads, synths and keyboards make his live-set more dynamic. Every show is always different from the previous one, all constantly changing.
Latest Releases
Global Chill Out Masters, Vol. 15
Marco Moli, Guenter Haas, Sunset Boulevard Project, 351 Lake Shore Drive, Genius Jane, Eric Matthew, Nexus 5, Inventors Of The Sun, The Soul Crusaders, Smooth Deluxe, Albert St. Barth, Micro Mania, Rhythmphoria, Premasara Council, Lootmaster, Nasser Shibani, Rennel, DJ Aladyn, 2moellers, Sinopia, Zwoen, Peonia, Chilled Study, Heavenchord, Grey Colour Palettes, HAUA, Living Room, Project Blue Sun, Mind Conventions, Diviance, Two Long Roads, Nytxpress Musiq, Logo alloy, Zam T
Global Chill Out Masters, Vol. 14
Marco Moli, Nexus 5, Sunset Boulevard Project, The Soul Crusaders, Project Blue Sun, Guenter Haas, Eric Matthew, Inventors Of The Sun, Premasara Council, Naturmentoring, The Sura Quintet, Dark Chouette, DJ Aladyn, 2moellers, Sinopia, Etrimz, Rennel, Lootmaster, Chilled Study, Afternoon In Stereo, Micro Mania, Manu Ela, Karmakind, Smooth Deluxe, Josephine Sinclar, Nytxpress Musiq, Logo alloy, Norose, Zam T, 351 Lake Shore Drive, Genius Jane, Itu, Diviance
Sensual Lounge & Chill Out, Vol. 10
351 Lake Shore Drive, Noella, Project Blue Sun, Mike D'Abo, Smooth Deluxe, Marc Hartman, Sunset Boulevard Project, Marco Moli, The Soul Crusaders, Living Room, Micro Mania, Guenter Haas, Eric Matthew, Nexus 5, Inventors Of The Sun, Ozco, Bheny Bey, Konnect & YeYo, Asservat, Rennel, Baghira, Karmakind, Lootmaster, DJ Aladyn, 2moellers, Sinopia, Post Apocalyptic, HAUA, Chilled Study, Hannes, Diviance
Beach Bar Chill Grooves, Vol. 7
351 Lake Shore Drive, Genius Jane, Mike D'Abo, Inventors Of The Sun, Smooth Deluxe, Guenter Haas, Micro Mania, Eric Matthew, Nexus 5, The Soul Crusaders, Marc Hartman, Sunset Boulevard Project, Marco Moli, Project Blue Sun, Kalokagathia Union, Janne Hanhisuanto, Soulsonic, Living Room, Art Demoir, Eddie Silverton, Alexandra Hamnede, IJO, DJ Aladyn, 2moellers, Sinopia, C.A.V.O.K, Marat Taturas, Diviance, Sandro Santoz, Physical Dreams
Btr Summer 2024
Zeus Lopez, Nogueras, Aradya, LLX, DJ Nandu, Moyua, Ormus, Carlo Medel, Tyler Wenning, Jakepool, Astro 99, SCTP, Zeta (ES), Sergio Villazon, JL Delgado, Dustdays244, NDRS, Cristian Reible, VIA, FEEZZ, kramek, Prisco, 2moellers, Ferdinando Daneri, Bilevicius, Lowcree, Lelomix, Botar, Riolie, Lorenzo Bianco
Anniversary 2 Edition Vol.2
JfAlexsander, DJ Johan Weiss, Slot, Marcos Salas, Andry Cristian, Marco Caetano, Alvaro Lopez, Lucas Monchi, Alberto Costas, J Tello, Pascal Wery, Noisy B, 2moellers, The Class, Berny.G, Tony Garviz, Nell Silva, Kiryatt, Joe Berm, Carl Fons, Ivan Casero, Nazdak Jones, SOULFILTER, Mark A, Jack Swing, Luis Pattersound, DJ George, Niko Freij, Jeao, Funkythowdj aka. Syntematik, Toni Cataldi, N3M3SIS, Beat And Pete, SKOONER FEAT. CARL FONS, PAU PAZ, Alex Macias
KP100 Release Day
Alessandro Diruggiero, Tomi&Kesh, Rico Martinez, Ernest & Frank, Marco Beats, DMILE, JP Torres, Legit Trip, Del Fonda, James My & Criss, Rone White, Alex Sounds, Nic Zega, Draganeskool, Poor Pay Rich, Fernando Vidal, Skayem, Giancarlo Zara, Kassier, valeria karter, Lorenzo Dotti, Gianluca Rattalino, Marco Basile, Gjaka K., Lello Russo, Enzino, Raso, Seeward, 2moellers, Rando, DJ Nox, Juampi Saillen, Alfrenk, Edu Escartin, FRANCO BA, Al-Fernandez, DJ Marika, Sarono, Hassio (COL), VLTRA (IT), The Sahoo Conection, Gianni Ruocco, Le Roi Carmona, Sequence, Mattia Musella, Walter Albini, Super Natural (CH), Flaminik, Masterdub, Kole Audro, Guido Bruzzese, Undercolors, Romulo, Marcel Dope, Marco Tuccillo, Mastro (Italy), William C, Withoutwork, Jordan2, Blue-Room, Alejandre
KP100 Release Day
Rone White, Alessandro Diruggiero, Juampi Saillen, Marco Beats, James My & Criss, Poor Pay Rich, Kassier, valeria karter, Gianluca Rattalino, Marco Basile, The Sahoo Conection, Del Fonda, Giancarlo Zara, Alfrenk, Edu Escartin, FRANCO BA, Guido Bruzzese, Raso, Masterdub, Seeward, VLTRA (IT), Rando, Al-Fernandez, DJ Marika, Undercolors, Sarono, Flaminik, Romulo, Legit Trip, Hassio (COL), Ernest & Frank, 2moellers, DJ Nox, Alejandre, Marcel Dope, Walter Albini, Super Natural (CH), Kole Audro, Lello Russo, Enzino, Sequence, Mattia Musella, DMILE, Blue-Room, Rico Martinez, Gjaka K., Skayem, Draganeskool, Lorenzo Dotti, Gianni Ruocco, Le Roi Carmona, Marco Tuccillo, Alex Sounds, Fernando Vidal, Withoutwork, Jordan2, William C, Mastro (Italy)
Special Edition 100 Releases Chic Recordings
The Class, JfAlexsander, DJ Johan Weiss, Slot, Marcos Salas, Andry Cristian, Marco Caetano, Joe Berm, Alvaro Lopez, Lucas Monchi, SOULFILTER, David Caetano, Alberto Costas, J Tello, Noisy B, Pascal Wery, Lorenzo Chi, FUNKYTHOWDJ, 2moellers, Jmnogueras, Christelle, Kiryatt, Tony Garviz, Nazdak Jones, The Neightbor, Berny.G, VITI RUIZ, SKOONER FEAT. CARL FONS, Klaud Wein, Alex Macias, Toni Cataldi, Skooner, Sounderson, Holy Madness, L-Gil, Niko Freij, Beat And Pete, Jeao, Jack Swing, DJ George, DJ Killer (COL), Luis Pattersound, Funkythowdj aka. Syntematik, Carl Fons, N3M3SIS, Buben, Mark A, The Viking, Ivan Casero, Nell Silva, IVAN HRMS, V.I.T.I.
1 Anniversary Edition
The Class, Carl Fons, JfAlexsander, The Viking, SOULFILTER, Mark A, Kiryatt, David Caetano, Slot, 2moellers, Nazdak Jones, FUNKYTHOWDJ, Ivan Casero, Alberto Costas, Christelle, Joe Berm, DJ Johan Weiss, Marcos Salas, Andry Cristian, Marco Caetano, Lucas Monchi, J Tello, Noisy B, Jmnogueras, Nell Silva, Alvaro Lopez, Pascal Wery, IVAN HRMS
Tech-House Verano 2019
Marcos Salas, Funk Deep, Robert Furrier, MINT (JPN), North 76, 2moellers, Nazdak Jones, Old & Kid, Alasteezie, Josh Leunan, Cewh, Andrea Graziani Dj, Marco Caetano, Stereo Sound (MX), Joe Berm, Lorenzo Chi, Mathasy, Torres De Lara, Andres Luque, CMRDE, Andrei Gabriel, J Tello, Ivan Casero, Dan Vaxx, David Caetano, JC Oncala, Andry Cristian, Luis Escribano, Julian Lannone, Katarina Ohalloran
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