Latest Releases
Say Yes to Techno, Vol. 8
membran 66, Alex Lemar, Alex Lopez, Alex Mash, Chicagoboy, Alex Mind Games, Alex Mor, Alex Moss, Alex Noise, Alex Nothlich, Alex Okrazo, Alex Portarulo DJ, Alex Progress, Alex Rai, Alex Redna, Alex Rusu, Alex Schultz, Alex Schwarze, Alex Smoke, Alex Spite, Alex Turner, Alex Wolf, Alexander Chalin, Alexander Dee, Alexander Karthaeuser, Alexander Kvitta, Alexey Creative, Alexey Vincent, Alexia K., Alfa Electronics, Alfonso Forte
Take It to the Hardcore, Vol. 1
Shadowcore, Maza, Beterror, Noxize, Mywar, Chicagoboy, Psychotik, Sven Neawolf, Tematic, 100 Kilo Maarten, 3 Past 3, 4Twenty, 8Trak, 909 Junkies, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, A-Kriv, A.L.K., Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, AcidPhras3, Stephanie, Adam Easter, Ader, Adrian Richter, Affective Disorder, Afreaka, Ainox, Ak-industry, Billy S., Alberto Nemo, Alex Fader, Alex Galiver, Alex Gonzao, Alex Mash, Alex Progress, Alex Tune, Allan Snowden, Alphaknight, Amcore, Amp Attack, Andy The Core, Anticeptik, Antika, Antique Project
Energy Hardcore Superstar
Sven Neawolf, Renaissanz, Melvuzzz, Sergey Bolkov, Cause of Death, Primal Rage, Mr Cheddar, Derry, DJ Seak, Crazy We R, Ebe Company, 7SignZ, 99ers, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, A-Kriv, A-Tomiq Project, Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, AbstructA, Acidaizer, Adam Bass & Adam Ross, Stephanie, Adam Easter, Ader, Aeros, Blackburn, Affective Disorder, Aga DJ, Ainox, Ak-47, Alessandro Sanso', Alex, Alex Galiver, Alex Mac & Zeebra Kid vs. Andy James, Alex Mash, Alex Noise
Techno Only
Schelmanoff, 8 Hertz, Midnight, Milosh Xp, Ferdas Digital, DJ Grajdanin, Alex Mash, Michael Clark, Shok Therapy, Roman Berezin, Kanzman, Roberto Bash, Yuriy Bondarchuk, Scarface, Simon Said, Gorun Roman, Sparki, Index-1, Vito von Gert, Servo S Post, JayCamel, Grajdanin, Pavel Sheemano, Anton Virt, Fortune, HKT, Viktor Beltikov, Fleksi, Teleport, Ram Runner, Panovsky, DJ Indigo
Techno Space Shuttle, Vol. 3
A-Brothers, Darmec, Gracie, MicRoCheep & Mollo, Bekkar, Simon Koma, Afonso Maia, Peat Noise, Sandro Galli, Gabros, Reeno, Matt Mus, Luix Spectrum, Cristian Glitch, Dolby D, MicRoCheep, Mollo, Luis Ruiz, Strobetech, Patrick Hollo, Niereich, Alex Mash, Kai Pattenberg, Klangtronik, Noseda, Astra Teck, Gabeen, Nizzy, Ced.Rec, Zoltan Katona (Kato), Nanter, Emir Hazir, Freddy Fuentes, Dual Fuel, Fresh Otis, Tonikattitude, DJ Dbmassive
75 Techno Tunes Part 4
Gabeen, G-7 Proyect, Berny Medina, Frank Taurus, Patrizio Mattei, Danny Omich, D.a.n.a., Tom Sawer, Morgana DJ, Risto, Oniricamusic, Cristian Glitch, Onassis, Elyptic Trevors, El Tigre, Twelve12, Benny Carbone, Tomislav Rupic, Michael Lambart, Proteck, Overloque, Pablo Caballero, Patient 777, Squad, Dennis Slim, Patricia Slim, Analog Tone, Daniel Rateuke, Jakob Edzel, Marco P, Celine Chemineau, Hey Millers, Bluecrack, Maurice Goltz, Agron, 3000krieger, Monya, Audio Stylist, Duzzy Das, Punisher 7, Manrocket, Kirill Ivanov, Agja, G.D.F., Alex Mash, Samuel Hedberg, Sword, Red Sunrise, Chimique, Ascer Groove, Tom Almex, Astra Teck, Ferenc Bucsani, DJ RobDee, Left In Trigg, Chris Count, Twist3d, Denny Trajkov, DeepVoices, Quitschy, Dorian Knox, David Zafra, Jimmy Cortes, Toby Long, Nistagmuss, Fivetone, Tom Louraux, A0, Roger Burns, Nico Dacido, Sinteza, Corvum, Thomas Weitz, Richter, Elle, Maleza, Adarpse, Yohmss, Haunted Code, Troy Mandalon, Isabelle