Latest Releases
Hard A-Tekk: Chapter 7
Calypso, Masters Of Noise, Rough Republic, Cyber Gunz, Zahni, WhyAsk!, Minupren, Drasyn, Alex Boundry, Marq Aurel, Mr. Di, X-pense, deMusiax, Maltorian, Tunnel Factory, Mark Tarro, Chem D, Thomas Petersen, Asthard, The Son of Hellrazor, Actek, Bastü, DJ Seak, AP Girl, Gabba Hit Squad, Renaissanz, DJ ToXiq, Kevin D, War Tekk, Rolexz, Speakerguyz, Havocknoize, Deadfunk, MIKE BTK, BMG, STARTASTIC, Denoiser, GOZE, Scheppertus, Lui R, R3PULZE, Energetic Sounds, Pascal Rolay, Hayek, Jason Little, Latenz, Klatschkind, NADARO, Alberto Adami, TK:NO, Papi Jumper
Hungry Beats, Pandora, X-Teknokore, Fixxxer Acid, Hor-z, Necrolyzer, Dictiondj, Sven Neawolf, DJ Poison, Eyes of Sil3nce, Induced, Mad Mike, Sylenth Assassin, DJ Tim Records, XinoDj, The Belgian Stallion, Da Highlandz, DJ Seak, Crazy We R, Razor R, Ebe Company, Perthil, TEKKTOYS, GRIGIO, Antique Project, Carlos Murphy, Death by Synth, Toysfornoise, Stian Gee
Energy Hardcore Superstar
Sven Neawolf, Renaissanz, Melvuzzz, Sergey Bolkov, Cause of Death, Primal Rage, Mr Cheddar, Derry, DJ Seak, Crazy We R, Ebe Company, 7SignZ, 99ers, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, A-Kriv, A-Tomiq Project, Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, AbstructA, Acidaizer, Adam Bass & Adam Ross, Stephanie, Adam Easter, Ader, Aeros, Blackburn, Affective Disorder, Aga DJ, Ainox, Ak-47, Alessandro Sanso', Alex, Alex Galiver, Alex Mac & Zeebra Kid vs. Andy James, Alex Mash, Alex Noise
Hardcore Collection Rave Edition
The Morbius, Sven Neawolf, Cubic Nomad, DJ Seak, Sodiak, MC MO, Corpus Illuminatum, Deftrax, BlackBeatz, Antique Project, Insult, Toysfornoise, Ebe Company, Timao, DJ Overlead, Syrius 23, Gurkenking, Lydia M, RagnaRok, Enthorine, Esox, Rafal Kulik, Tematic, Dorpzicht, Synaptic Memories, Katarina Ohalloran, Desolation, FortyTwo, Shadowcore, Narkotech, Embrionyc, MHX, Hellscion, Ohmicide, Paulo AV, Damage Machine, X-Teknokore, Anarkotikz
Hardcore Collection: Volume Two
Aneuryzm, SchiZoCore, DJ Seak, Sven Neawolf, Corpus Illuminatum, Tensor & Re-direction, Gee MC, BMG, T-Junction, Tha Watcher, Shadowcore, Zorc, FreeFis, deMusiax, Slavefriese, Cause of Death, Chem D, Alfa HTForce, Raptor, Chriz Unknown, Toysfornoise, Bloodattack, Gary Beat, Delugenist, GAS!, Insult, Soulshaver, Hidden Rooms, 100 Kilo Maarten, 8Trak, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, Sharon Tate, Tematic, F.red, Carlos Murphy, Timao, Burhan, DJ Overlead, Squaresoundz
Hardcore Hans und seine Raver, Vol. 1
Alphaknight, Nuclear Age, Sonny & Crocket, Nervebreaker, William Lee, Miss DNA, Squaresoundz, Hungry Beats, Chefetage, Upraiser, The Renegadez, Jan Pravda, Arktis, Nick Antinoizer, Solar Eclipse, In-Toxx, T-set, Sandy Warez, Matthew, Toysfornoise, Industrial Frequency, Pulserz, Mystika, Broken Rules, Cemtex, DJ Freak, Cubic Nomad, Whitepasta, Blurix, The Guard, Dreadkick, Morice Philipe, Necrotic, Andy The Core, Notamedic, Stormtrooper, Sml As Freakuience, DJ Overlead, Cheinx
Raise Your Fist for Hardcore & Gabber, Vol. 1
BMG, Polytoxic, HRD.DNZ, X-Teknokore, Melvuzzz, Slavefriese, Chris Decay, Re-lay, Gregory Morrison, Cholerix, Brutality, Pyraxx, Chem D, Alfa HTForce, Joscy, Deadlock, Bioxeed, North Core Project, Geehee, Razor Edge, Shadowcore, Pascal Rolay, DJ Yves, Papi Jumper, Bix, Ebe Company, DJ Seak, X-pense, The Wither, Jeypieh, Macronix, DJ Tim Records, Jimmy X, Calypso, Renè Miller, Brian C, Killer Traxx, TimeWaster, Atrocity, Dann Laner, Amanda Hopewell, XinoDj, SchiZoCore
Totally Hardcore
KETRIN, Squall, Timmy D, DJ Bullskull, Jay Nas, Skim, DJ Seak, B1zzer, Crime1minister, Darkinox, Unartekk, Dj LiL´k, Noistruct, Dutchman Jack, Recharge, Jeff London, Infared, DJ Poison, Rough Republic, Deadfunk, The PinkPoPo, Xspaj, RenoiZer HC, Dj Unscarred, Epic Aggressive, Nik a.k.a. NKM, Cholerix, Sick Impact, Damage Machine, Shadowcore, Lawrencium, Carlos Murphy, Komprex, InfaMozz
Headnoise 2k22: Even Harder, Louder & Faster
Dan Morris, Teua, Dan Cuvee, Slavic Shaman, Uvique, THEBOYWITHSPEC, Xspaj, Dragonflies, The Belgian Stallion, Stealy Dan, Mellow Harvest, DJ Seak, Effection, Ericson (DE), Rutger S., NIKKEL, Dedicator, OBKicks, Alien Invaders, Myrtill, Naksi & Brunner, Maekz, Cholerix, ASIN, DJ Tim Records, Eyes of Sil3nce, Mr Bear, REALDIGGR, Nik a.k.a. NKM, WhyAsk!, Gieziabisai, Tomás Skvrna, Razor Edge, Zazemzazem, Minupren, Ben Hard, RARÓG, chris piks, MO DR, GIX, Qual & Freude, German RaceWars, John Talent, Martin Koveid, DJ Deepcore, ZKoala, Cracky Koksberg, BasSBiLanZ, C.Z-KiND, Les Teufeurs Parmesan, The Injurious, OBSKURO, Kozieum, Sakin Bozkurt, Noizefucker, AUTIST, Subsonic, Inqoherent, Emphaser, Mizzion Complete, Noesoulsinger, Top-C, Generation Sounds, The Real Visionary, Imre Fox, Klatschkind
Gabberwalky's Techshow, Vol. 4
Escaflown, Alx-Sharty, DJ Arvie, Fury, Prefix, Density, Antiverse, Exilium, Deetox, Delete, Beatfreak (NL), The Destroyer, MD&A, Alphaverb, Codis, Caine, DJ Seak, Xspaj, The Partycrushers, DJ Gizmo, Hungry Beats, Dj Ychy, Quantum, TI Project, Nolimits, Empira, B1zz3r, Low-E, Alter Egosz, Amp Attack, Revolter, Second Element, Invector, Hidden Kingdom
Hardcore Vibes, Vol. 1
DJ Overlead, The Guard, DJ Seak, Jason Little, Strange Arrival, Underdoggz, Djxx, Defiler, Hellcreator, The Weaver, Scorpion Hoplite, Las Vegas Parano, Sanchuk, Joey Riot, Disturbia, Omkara, Kalima, Noxize, Skim, Inerpois, Krieg, M1ch3l P, Point of Excitement, X-Teknokore, Hozinotik, Carnage & Cluster, DJ Livie, Speakerdeamon, Relapse
Stampfen Bis Die Schuhe Brennen
Aeros, Sanchuk, Joey Riot, Disturbia, Omkara, DJ Seak, Project Exile, Fury, Rawliner, Skim, Jdam, Krieg, Inerpois, M1ch3l P, Point of Excitement, Low-E, Alter Egosz, Iwaro, Kajjin, Lucia Ferrero, Dutchman Jack, Mr. Riddler, Hatom, The Cute Shark, DG the Producer, Psychoweapon, Brutal Force, K96, Chaps & Rolay, Hardcore Fuckers, Blackburn, Jason Payne, DJ Livie, Kizzah, Secret Unity, Ecstatic
Friday the 13th: Gabber Horror Show
Carnage & Cluster, Chris S., The Terrorizers, Relapse, Peckerhead, Rawclaw, Explicit, GRIGIO, Stormtrooper, Koffos, The Butchers, Speakerdeamon, Re-direction, Tensor, Machinist, Norphine, Minupren, Mc Adk, Kali Dts, Merkurius, DJ Seak, Sync Diversity, Trinitite, Killswitcher, Disocial, Sir. Parkinson, Mywar, Ybrid, Desolation, Batashi, The Peoples Republic Of Europe, Naos, Antraxid, Xaero, Cellmac, Crptc, Spindo, Jenova, Hypoxic, E, Natrion