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Hardcore Earthquake
DJ Gizmo, Rob Gee, Tek-Nology, Apolion, Lenz, Insult, Sven Neawolf, Kush, Porphyria, Cosmic Radio, Sergey Bolkov, Brutal Jesters, Rafal Kulik, Psycho Chok, Chem D, Alfa HTForce, Deftrax, DJ Overlead, Tha Nightcrawler, Dronken Sigaret, Embrionyc, X-Teknokore, Ccladydj, The Guard, Maotai, Tobi Wan Kenobi, KPX
Hardcore Collection Rave Edition
The Morbius, Sven Neawolf, Cubic Nomad, DJ Seak, Sodiak, MC MO, Corpus Illuminatum, Deftrax, BlackBeatz, Antique Project, Insult, Toysfornoise, Ebe Company, Timao, DJ Overlead, Syrius 23, Gurkenking, Lydia M, RagnaRok, Enthorine, Esox, Rafal Kulik, Tematic, Dorpzicht, Synaptic Memories, Katarina Ohalloran, Desolation, FortyTwo, Shadowcore, Narkotech, Embrionyc, MHX, Hellscion, Ohmicide, Paulo AV, Damage Machine, X-Teknokore, Anarkotikz
Fightmusic - from Gabba to Hardcore
Re-direction, Tensor, Demolior, Zoid, The Raptor, Conspiracies, Noxize, Shadowcore, Chicagoboy, Autiszm, Archonoise, Maza, Twilight, Jackall, Gijs De Mik, Lucy Bosman, Track Killer, Unscarred, Mywar, Beterror, Psychotik, Tensor & Re-direction, Akira, Unknown Agents, Hcm, DJ Rosso, Ron Clayton, Apothecary, Carlos Murphy, Stolen Cult, Dissonance, Miss DNA, Miss Missgeschick, Goblin Grave, Xamidium, Starving Insect
Raise Your Fist for Hardcore & Gabber, Vol. 1
BMG, Polytoxic, HRD.DNZ, X-Teknokore, Melvuzzz, Slavefriese, Chris Decay, Re-lay, Gregory Morrison, Cholerix, Brutality, Pyraxx, Chem D, Alfa HTForce, Joscy, Deadlock, Bioxeed, North Core Project, Geehee, Razor Edge, Shadowcore, Pascal Rolay, DJ Yves, Papi Jumper, Bix, Ebe Company, DJ Seak, X-pense, The Wither, Jeypieh, Macronix, DJ Tim Records, Jimmy X, Calypso, Renè Miller, Brian C, Killer Traxx, TimeWaster, Atrocity, Dann Laner, Amanda Hopewell, XinoDj, SchiZoCore
Techno Sound System
Per Nord, MD DJ, Vicente Guevara, DJ TONY O (France), Marcel db, Resa Dadash, Marc Veiz, FDJ, DJ AMA°, Lost Kraft, Ron Ractive, Lucas Be, Jay-X, Kubis, Gijs Stavast, Gluth & Burkhardt, Paolo Fanelli, Ortebauer, Daniel Briegert, ZAJON, Starving Insect, C-Ram, Eichenzauber, Jake & Cooper, Martin Kaddatz, Jakepool, Deck238, Datenbahn, Cut N Glue, Charly Madea, Midnightfunk, Masaru Saito, Pat Kp, Gabriel Baltazar, Gimbal, Men Into Space, NickyKrüger
Motörheadz - The Album
Motormouth, Embrionyc, Stan Grewzell, Cubic Nomad, Xtematic, Al Twisted, Godbuzda, Encrypter, Nrk, The Relic, Matt Green, KRTM, DJ DBN, The 7th Genocide, Absence of Mind, Elektrotype, Tripped, JFX, DJ UEP, Calum Moore, Gnasher, Sarin Assault, Lost Origin, DJ Freak, Sadistic, Liquid Blasted, Razor Edge, The Destroyer, Angernoizer
Hardcore & Gabber Arena - Hot Elements 2015
Tematic, Gijs De Mik, Lucy Bosman, Maza, Thorax, The Ultimate MC, Re-direction, Tensor, Archonoise, Zoid, The Raptor, Noxize, Track Killer, Sir. Parkinson, Demolior, Twilight, Jackall, Adrenokrome, Psychotik, Beterror, Mywar, Conspiracies, Autiszm, Carnage & Cluster, CSI, Carnage, Cluster, Brutal Force, The Braindrillerz, Akira, Cameron, Hcm, Embrionyc, Outworld, Stolen Cult, Starving Insect, Omkara Techichi, Traffik, Rado, Hatebusters, Sei2ure, The Relic, Ak-industry, Proto X, Promo, DJ Thera, Wavolizer, C.Y.T., Outlandich, Medical Cut, Billy S., MC Axys, Stormtrooper, Minupren, Digiphorik, Karen Danzig, Selektaz
Gabber Thunder 2015
Track Killer, Conspiracies, NA, Vicious Conspiracy, Zoid, The Raptor, DG the Producer, Dj Ychy, District7, Paralizer, Digital Underground NL, Ketanoise, DJ Livie, Miosa, Miss Twilight, MD&A, DJ Mutante, Pattern J, Koney, How Hard, Bobrovich, Twilight, Jackall, Adrenokrome, Milla, Raoul, The Hard Gain, Hungry Beats, Brawler, The Striker, Stinger, X-Mind, Spinsycle, Re-direction, Tensor, Noxious
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