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Hardcore Collection: Volume Two
Aneuryzm, SchiZoCore, DJ Seak, Sven Neawolf, Corpus Illuminatum, Tensor & Re-direction, Gee MC, BMG, T-Junction, Tha Watcher, Shadowcore, Zorc, FreeFis, deMusiax, Slavefriese, Cause of Death, Chem D, Alfa HTForce, Raptor, Chriz Unknown, Toysfornoise, Bloodattack, Gary Beat, Delugenist, GAS!, Insult, Soulshaver, Hidden Rooms, 100 Kilo Maarten, 8Trak, A Saving Whisper, A-Brothers, Abnormal Dysfunction, Abort Retry Fail, Sharon Tate, Tematic, F.red, Carlos Murphy, Timao, Burhan, DJ Overlead, Squaresoundz
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