

2MindsTogether is a dynamic duo hailing from the UK, known for their unparalleled skills in the art of Tech House. Comprised of two immensely talented DJ & Producers, 2MindsTogether have carved out a distinct niche in the electronic music scene, bringing their unique blend of groovy beats and infectious melodies to dancefloors across the world. Despite their rapid rise to fame, 2MindsTogether remain grounded and focused on their craft. Drawing on their extensive experience in the UK club scene, 2MindsTogether have honed their skills and developed a signature sound that is both unique and captivating. With a career spanning over a decade, 2MindsTogether has established themselves as one of the most sought- after acts in the Tech House genre. Their music is characterised by deep, driving basslines, crisp percussion, and hypnotic synth lines that are guaranteed to

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