Undoubtedly we’re facing one of those that will be the rising values of the inexhaustible Astutian quarry. His sets, in which eclecticism predominates, give off energy and dynamism in a mixture of several styles that vary from House to forceful and deep techno, loaded with melodies. He has stepped on the booths of several clubs, both within the Asturian and national scene. Spots such as Teatro Albeniz Gijón, Lanna Club, Club La Macarena (Barcelona), City Hall (Barcelona), Lunita Campastilla (Mallorca), TDC (Soria), Sala Orosco Santander o The Jungle Dancefloor (Leon) among others. He’s also played in Aquasella Fest, Boombastic Fest, Indoor Festival Gijon, Frikyparty o Metropoli Gijón.. In recent years he’s taken a step forward in his career producing his own music, with a very personal style. He’s also edited