Miname, hailing from Leicester, can create a dynamic and elegant party out of nothing. Having played clubs and festivals all over Australia, New Zealand and the UK, he is slowly becoming known for his wide and adaptable style lined with textures, depth and groove. The 'Miname' sound transcends from the Midlands to an Ibiza rooftop effortlessly, ring out a serious combination of minimal and deep house & techno that comes together in a mature and well-thought-out way. As a producer he’s been locked in the studio establishing his own unique groove. Artists supported: Vibe Killers, OC & Verde, Gaist, Spektre, Gary Burrows, George Smeddles, Riaz Dhanani, SM One, C.O.Z, Versus, Jozef K, Iglesias, Lisa Lashes, Dirty Secretz and Erik Christiansen to name a few.