Taao Kross born in 1983 en Murcia (Spain) arrived to theelectronic scene in 2000 as a runner up in a national DJcompetition in Madrid. In 2001, the following year, he made itto the end of the national competition, proclaimed championof Spain in Barcelona. With this achievement and award hebegan his promising musical career as a DJ. Taao Krossrecorded for one of the best labels of electronic HOUSEwhere he launched his first work “tamburo” which achievedgreat success and impact and has since been remixed bysix acclaimed international DJS. For his followingproductions he worked with the likes of labels such asTullido, 07800 Production, and impressed music, animportant American label which released his music. Duringthis period Taao also combined his DJ work with the radio,working on two major programs. The first being TOP