Two Smoking Barrels or two dj producers? We do not know.Smoothies, this duo in outstanding growth regarding theItalian market along with a heavy dose of irony and anuncommon energy. T his is how they get to consoles, with asmile that immediately gives happiness and desire to jumparound.Smoothies, well known to Pescara are Antonio Veneruso('88) and Giulio Piedigrosso ('89 ) and their music is amelting pot of many different genres. T heir slogan, or themusical genre that distinguishes them is the Dutch, butamong their extra influences, there are also traps, dubstep,electro and techno.T heir DJ set is a direct path to madness... and it is not toofar away from hip hop. T heir first EP, " T -Rap ", reached thefourth highest selling album of Itunes category hip hop / rapand