Jay Fonseca (born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands 16-05-1990) is a Dutch Recording Artist as well as an aspiringSongwriter being a Music Producer in constantdevelopment.Jay was born into a musical family. Both his parents werevocalists as well as dancers. Jay learned how to play thepiano, guitar and sometimes picked up the violin. His focusshifted to using his voice as his instrument rather thanplaying a physical instrument. So at the age of 16 Jaydropped a local hit called "My Baby Boo" which was playedby several radio stations!In 2008 Jay auditioned at Albeda College as aMusician/Producer were he was accepted as aSinger/Songwriter which during the summer of 2012 Jaygraduated from with flying colors. Currently Jay is producingmusic for other artists and working on new material for hisforthcoming album.He signed his first USA recording