Karpin Zambrano is a Music producer and DJ of Madrid, who started his career at the beginning of 1998. At that time, his focus was primarily on underground music clubs of the city, Soma Experimental Club is one of the most influential and his early style was Detroit techno. Zambrano has cited his influences as Derrick May, Robert Hood and Underground Resistance to name a few. At the beginning of 2000 with two years of experience, he entered to form part of a Valencian collect ive called KUNOICHI where he began t o DJ at local clubs of the community, such as Lovebuzz (Nassau Room).Within the collective they made room for his style “t echno t rance”. At t he beginning of 2006 an EP was released under the Alicante
Latest Releases
Prototype, Vol. 1
Alby Space, Holocube, Angel & Dust, Oli Drago, Arsenale's Jet Set, Nature Soul Cybertronic, Audionatica, MFS, Jsanz, Basti Glanz, Clawz SG, Damir Ludvig, Vytis, Blood & Tears, SløV, Noisedock, Ferum, Theus Mago, Zebra Pitch, Cozmic Spore, Liuos, Jimmy GE, Karpin, Echo Delta, MySpaceRocket, Sergio Pardo, Klimek, Christoph Schindling, Michael Burkat, Variflex
Raw Precision 16
Mz Sunday Luv, 9 West, Steve Lorenz, Joaqui, Arnaud Le Texier, Casseopaya, Emilio Romo, Forest People, Acid Kit, Van Czar, The Horrorist, Miro Pajic, Daniel Cuminale, Mike Wall, Jan Fleck, Lukas Freudenberger, Bavarian Rebels, Repton, Karpin, MSDMNR, VERUAH, Axs, Pablo Valls, Tag & Wandrach, Cristian Arango, Alex Mine, Al Munzo, Dan Martz
Street Style - Sound of Detroit, Vol. 8
Congrat, Alessandro Verrina, Barce, Pash, Dj Chupacabra, Michael Walken, Simone Gatto, The Analogue Cops, OL047, Karpin, Wassabbe, Bezaleel, 101, Juan Lombardo, Detroit 95 Project, Laurent F., Monster at Work, R&Ber, Andrea Di Rocco, Mr. Smiley Guy, Okee Ru, Josh, Aantigen, Giriu Dvasios, Karpin Zambrano, Tim Jackman
Street Style - Sound of Detroit, Vol. 6
Matthias Springer, Terrence Dixon, Radio Complex, Lars Wickinger, Edge Effect, Emilio Romo, Alessandro Verrina, Danny Casseau, Laylae, Verdant DJ, Son Of Disorder, Mentol, Dani Giro, Daniel Benito Kunz, Alvaro Maortua, Fuzzion, Josh, J Alexander, Klum Baumgartner, Die Fantastische Hubschrauber, Raeyk, Karpin
Kollektor 2
David Temessi, Giovanni Carozza, Amber (NL), Leonardo (NL), Rraph, Liss C., Sebastian Fleischer, deKai (Berlin), Gandalf (Stereo), Mike Maass, Dawid Dahl, Mechanic Freakz, Landmark, Dantiez, Joe Mesmar, Oskitronic, Thor-K, Kaehne, Stephane Signore, Trobath, Karpin, Alberto Santana, Black Acid, Sosa Ibiza
Sampler ADE 2016
Daytona Team, Senmove, Christian Haro, NSEL, Slop, Siarem, Wyndell Long, Repajaro, Hyman Bass, Himadri, Jose Ayen, Human Robot, Finster, Oskitronic, Jan Liefhebber, Mos Atski, Kraust Sonido, Luis Weyers, Manuel Costela, Scherbenfeld, Jyume18, Karpin, W.Brise, Ray Mond, Meat Loops, Poolar, Pablo Padilla
Mona Records - New World Artists Compilation
Jyume18, Shin Nishimura, Joonil Bae, Repajaro, Takehiro Okuyama, Christian Haro, Kawatin, Paradigma, Matiz, Carlos Cmix, Tomo Hachiga, Shawnn Lai, Wyndell Long, Dann At Bridges, Kraust Sonido, Jose Ayen, Masaru & Drunken Kong, Victor eMe, Mad Max, Lius&Nexus, Ivan Leet, Sugiurumn, Dr.Needles, Absolute, O. Lopez Beat, Karpin, Mushroom Cake, Jose Rodriguez, Sergio Mateo, Stefan Weber, Sic Emisferm, Elio Ks, John Gham, An Der Beat, Sergio Parrado, Andy Bennet, Victor Vilchez, Reset.Id, Federico Puliafico, Kazuyoshi Shimamura, Elastique Soul, Daniel Vilchez, Alex Kelly, DJ Yuki, LowKilla, NSEL, Minitec, Mr.3p feat. Stealther, Acid Ferz, Javiunder, Jaime Tejon, JJSG, W.Brise, GoTXa, Pablo Padilla, Demencia Forzada, Apsara, Slop, Metamann, Daytona Team, Senmove, Yuki Fukuyama, Resset05
Prog Tech Lines - Vol. 2
Flamen, Marco Moni, Andy Pitch, Cristiano Balducci, Luca Donofrio, Stets&Standig, Several Spirits, Untold Concept, Tony Mangano, Biemsix, Khuan, DJ Tommy, DJ Viduta, Felipe Aguiar, S-Lap, Nelman, Simboss, Delicious Morph, Ezequiel Asencio, Valent, Pepote, Snowy Owl, Karpin, Danky, StudioSnap, Monoline, Wakalama, Faberlique
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