Latest Releases
Fit with House Music, Vol. 2
Master, Blacksheep, Clubganger, Steven Stone, Sibylle, The Groovelab, Barbara Tucker, Soul Addict, Thomas Dür, Jessie Wagner, Yazzmin, Petula Caesar, Elexhouse, Soprasound, Mike White, Andrea Di Maso, Urko, Dej D, Groovjuice, Jerry Ropero, Telussa & Tijssen, Shee, Rob Hayes, Kris Benton, Man Of Goodwill, Simon Sim's, Tymers, Luny, Laera, Father&Son, Fred Henderson, The Mighty Skyscraperz, Chouco, John Stracker, Roger TaQuin, Armand Van Henegouwen, Andy Thorman, Ron Ractive, Frank Lupo, D&J Polimeno, Modis Chrisha, Renè Miller, D.J. Mirko B., Maroo, Twintone, DJ Jace, Carsten Gronholz, Green, Fred Fat, Thomas Marko, Soulfunky, Roman Falke, Mr. Jonk, Pha Thal, Echo Deep, Native P.
Next Generation House Music, Vol. 1
Thunder + Ford, Walter & Lomax, Big Boost, Rob Hayes, Stephan-Ho, Antoine Montana, Abstra, Sara Mo, Sugar Vibe, Anthem Kings, DJ Rade, DJ VONEL, Wile, Jack Moreno, Fabio Amoroso, Yuri Taurino, Krezi, S.o.B.Beats, Claud Santo, Pc-Pat, Renè Miller, Victor Del Guio, Joseph Finne, Dominik Bornhäußer, Jerome Zambino, Chris'n B, Codar, Sunseet, Astrophonie, Big Vic, Brothers Of The Future, Per Johann, Mangelt, Yuri Petridis, Schwarz & Funk, Genaro Fernandez, Gregor Weinberg, Bari, Erik Euwe, Jani, Nick Martira, Joe Martinez, Mario K, EMan, Clemens Rumpf, Luis Moralez, Alexander D, Sofa Tunes, Laera, Warm Collettive, Marie Chain, David K (GER), Taymar, Soulstar Syndicate
We Are One Tribe: Afro and Future House Compilation
Rob Hayes, Gianlupo, Oscar Bardelli, Krizoo, Steilhoch3, Sukurumba, Maria M. Nundwe, John Stracker, Fred Fat, Ron Ractive, Benjamin Emmanuel, Rialdo Shepherd, Vane, Thorsten Bongartz, Clemens Rumpf, TMO, DJ Trendy L, Sponch Makhekhe, Black Elektronika, Ferruccio Belmonte, Lenny Belmonte, LPA City, Marc Veiz, Urbe Deep Connextions, D. Bragaglia, Talel, Love Rules Everything, Krat, Leotone, Tino, Nasty Smith, Torsion Soul
Minimal Playground: Minimal from the Next Generation
Erufu, Gaspar-ON, E - Verformung, Frankie Volo, Pullsometro, Rafal Kulik, Nudisco, Paulie, Airborn, Virag, Club ShakerZ, Edsch, Vakanga, Roman Held, Patrick P., Mangelt, Aliens in the Garden, Ron Ractive, Desert Heart, Daniel W. (Germany), Kollective Heritage, Nordton a.k.a. Nomad, Mr. Laz, Mowgly 3 M3, Jöhrn, Radek K, Nicolai Masur, Alvina, Matthias Reis, Cihan Lemont, RK1, Blood and Vessels, Baris Erdemir, Metrobotnom, Travnik, Jssst, Escalerz, Heatwaves, M.Leimann, Galiby, Klangstoerung, Oblomov, Basti Wie, Klangkubik, Schneider & Haze, The Inhabitants, Myra, Stereo Palma, VTL, Disco Channel, Karl Simon, Heli, Falke & Vogelbein, Faxi Nadu, Makmalo, Under the Pope, Tobia Cavagna, John Stracker, Reflected, Kryn, Sista Gio, Douglas Palmer, Christian Belt, Rohawn, D'jino
Turnstunde: Fitness & Aerobic Songs for Experts
The J, Angsty Young Fresh, Kaizzah, Greyhawk, Emiel Roche, Akola, Tommy Boccuto, Giampy Romita, DeeBizness, Chouco, Tim Bürgenmeier, Melanie Camporesi, DJ Da.go, Mathias Cieluch, Twintone, Mr Energy, N3O, Jason Parker, Crizzn, Zeus & Thor, Andrea Di Maso, Ray Famor, Jakepool, Das neue Schwarz, Der Energieberater, K.K. Project, Felicia Uwaje, Zoolectric, Luca Altomare, Secret Ibiza, Renè Miller, Flowryder, Gelstat, John Stracker, K3RSEL, 7even Icon, Chiara Lupi, Frank Lupo, Laera, Father&Son, Karinzio, #Techtre, Nudisco, Dede, Manuel Able, Primacy, Nick Cliff, Cirque Du Freak, Brain Rock, Pan BeatZ, Master, Bikini Beats, Charly Vi, Patricio Amc, David Caruso, Tamborder, D&J Polimeno, Vega, TbO, Fabio Amoroso, Jack Bad, Feldschieber, Dr. Nindii, Joval, Heavy Violin, Mar-Q, Exego, Lars Leonhard, Mash-d, Jerry Ropero, Telussa & Tijssen, Vbrnt, Nestination, Cristian Van Gurgel, Freak, Dsa Dre, DJ The Fla, Andrea Stelitano, Mall Aka Funk, Jean Deep, Ivan, Soulful Cafe Jabig, Miloud & Grimaldo, Hakan Tur
Minimal House Selection 2017
Pullsometro, Rafal Kulik, Nudisco, Paulie, Virag, Club ShakerZ, Edsch, Patrick P., Mangelt, Ron Ractive, Mr. Laz, Blood and Vessels, Travnik, Ben Steel, Simon Jaxx, Christian Belt, Emiel Roche, Escalerz, Heatwaves, Basti Wie, Klangkubik, Leisure Music Productions, Jöhrn, The Inhabitants, Myra, Stereo Palma, Disco Channel, Makmalo, Tobia Cavagna, John Stracker, Slavaki, DJ Grosso, Rohawn, Juergen Vonbank, Massimo Gentile, Ninohengst, DJ Emeriq, Soulful Cafe Jabig, James Tech, Andee Jay, DJ Jayd Wayne, Oxezy, Electrokilla, Ivan Popovic, Odd Even
In Love with Ibiza
The J, Cyril Caps, Greyhawk, Emiel Roche, Akola, The Shrink Reloaded, Branko, Phil Giava, Tinyi Mohl, Ejaye, Tommy Boccuto, Giampy Romita, DeeBizness, DJ Rusty Razorblade, Chouco, Tim Bürgenmeier, Melanie Camporesi, Maxim Novitskiy, D.J. Mirko B., Maroo, DJ Da.go, Twintone, Alche Beat, Jason Parker, Crizzn, Dwwpwr, Xplore, Pullsometro, Ted Peters, Gianni de Santis, Andrea Di Maso, Mighty Real, Fabian Super, Ray Famor, Jakepool, Das neue Schwarz, K.K. Project, Felicia Uwaje, Zoolectric, Riga Alkmaar, Ayesha Pramanik, Luca Altomare, Secret Ibiza, Renè Miller, Jean Deep, Herwell's Callan, John Stracker, 7even Icon, Chiara Lupi, Frank Lupo, Buurman van Dalen, Laera, Father&Son, #Techtre, David Eye, Jos Lang, Jason B, Philip Ackowsky, Nikifor, I52Dj, Tamborder, Thomas Daub, Showa, D&J Polimeno, Rob Hayes, Simon Sim's, Tymers, Luny, Delta Alpha, VTL, Alvi L, Pulse Nation Project, Kalitos, Laura Auer, Thommy Fusion, Grube & Einwald, Patricio Amc, BONDI, Ta-quin, Stil, Bense