Bass Fly

From the nineties on, Olivier rubbed shoulders with the greatest names of the techno scene. He got the chance to play on huge stages before thousands of people alongside Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier, Yves Deruyter and some more. Ensued several years of coproduction with Dj Ralph during which the tracks Keep on, Bo Bun etc.. were released. It was in 2007 that Olivier and Remi started working together under the name of Bass Fly. After a tremendous year 2008, rich in releases its highlight being the release of their Dj Dome/Siento remix on Seamus Hajis "Big Love" label as well as on the prestigious Defected label - Bass Fly confirmed their status in 2009 by releasing their remix of Mathieu Bouthier and Muttonheads In My Head track on

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