I don't like cliche introductions, because nobody reads them anyway. Music is a matter of life and death to me, and I try to take every opportunity to get better. Just a few word about me in case you're interested: I didn't go to music school, I didn't do the school radio, and yet, I ended up here. You can do anything you set your mind to.
Latest Releases
Say Yes to Techno, Vol. 2
14k Volts, 16 Eleven, Blinky Blinky Computerband, Sakin Bozkurt, 18 East, 2 Guys In Da House, 2 OU, 23 ID, Chicagoboy, David Kawka, 27b, 2Bar Kid, 2bee, 2cats, 2Clic, membran 66, 2Faces, 2Fake, 2M Jr., 2pot, 2mjr, 3Tekk, 3voice, 40033002, 4Th Chapter, 5OM, 5ony, 69 Bit, 6Head_Slug, 7om45, 7Too, 7zehn, 88Dubs, 99LETTERS, @Non!m, A M G
Raw Techno Cuts, Vol. 09
2 Sleepy Weasels, 28mm, 2Drops, Nopopstar, 2JOHN'S, Eugene Jay, 2GEN, 2Mind1Soul, UB, 2Qimic, 3071, Claudinho Brasil, 4i20, 3voice, Cynic_Al, 4nixx, 51DB, 5Bonds2Carbon, Snowman, 5ikto, 6RAJ, 711, 777 System, 7even Icon, 8 Hertz, David Salow, 88Dubs, =Ziir-Kuz=, Joseph Krause, A Blade of Grass, Baasmal, A'Jerome, A.C.M.E., Juan Vargas, A.Ti
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