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Selection 2013
Suntree, Shyisma, Avshi, Flexus, Time In Motion, pop art, Darma, Omiki, Terahert, Numb, Sonic Entity, Helber Gun, Middle Mode, Space Hypnose, Egorythmia, E-Clip, Ritmo, Sonic Sense, Mind Spin, Roger Rabbit, Side Effects, Lifeforms, Audiotec, Redrosid, Ritree, Rocky, Unseen Dimensions, Opposite8, Motion Drive, Lyktum, Loopstep, Infinity, Subverso
V.A. Selection 2011
Motion Drive, Rocky, Ritmo, Shyisma, Flexus, Time In Motion, Etnoscope, Klopfgeister, Ritree, Invisible Reality, Infinity, Flegma & Nerso, Timeless, Hi Profile, Sonic Sense, Inner State, Impact, Static Movement, Ital, Burn In Noise, U- Recken, Ace Ventura, Egorythmia, Optiloop, E-Clip, Helber Gun, Zen Mechanics, pop art, Mute, Nerso, Space Hypnose, Major 7
Selection 2009
Centrino, Strange Doctors, Odiseo, Surgical Cut, Unseen Dimensions, Solaris Vibe, Inner State, Aquafeel, Aqualize, Invisible Reality, Progenitor, Zyce, Flegma, Audiomatic, Time In Motion, Titali, Ritree, Egorythmia, Normalize, Badbug, Mindwave, Gaudium, Motion Drive, Ovnimoon, Xahno, Supergroover, Phaxe
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