Labtracks is a two-man collaboration project betweenFinnish producers Jarkko Saikkonen & Miikka Vaartela, bothof them born in 1988. T hey have known each other sincechildhood and been making music over 8 years now. But thealias Labtracks wasn’t created until the beginning of 2005when the guys decided to make music together moreseriously.Since then their style has varied from more club-soundingtracks to progressive ones, yet keeping a touch of their ownstyle present despite the strong influences from the sceneof electronic music. Artists like Dallas Superstars, Eric Prydz,Komytea, Lifelike and many other house, club and nu-discoartists have had their impact on the style that Labtracksproduces today.Bringing the required elements for a catchy tune, Labtrackswill keep producing great tunes for those who love theprogressive and disco sound.