It all started in the early seventies when a young boy sawtelevision for the first time. Instantaneously fascinated bydifferent soundtracks and jingles, a deep interest for musicwas born. After a short bedroom dj career, Tomasz decidedto produce his own music and thanks to a natural talent, hereleased his first single in 1996 on Pablo Gargano’s label,EVE records. It sold very well and gave him both zest andconfidence to strive for more. His influences from electronicand ambient-rock music like JM Jarre and Pink Floyd quicklyformed a style that was to make him one of the mostsuccessful producers in hypnotic and atmospheric trance.Under this trademark, Atmos had released 4 albums, loadsof singles and has countless appearances on compilationsbut more important - his music has been embraced, playedand loved by such a broad