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Hard House Classics, Vol.4
Base Graffiti, Doaf, Tim Stokes, Gibbo, Paul King, Bass Jumper, James Devlin, Jamie Haig, Ben Stevens, Andy Farley, Munkjack, Steve Thomas, Ian M, Baby Doc, Adam M, Curve Pusher, Frank Farrell, Alvez, Dave Owens, Captain Tinrib, Various Artists, Defective Audio, Justin Bourne, F1, OD404, Masmada, Overload, Paul Glazby, Tenchy, RR Fierce
Tech & Techno Selection, Vol. 1
Bioslave, Mike Kelly, Natalie Gauci, Nicolas Nucci, Peter Flow, Robin Hirte, Mat Holtmann, Alex Portarulo, Voltaxx, Dave Rose, Max Rocca, Ben Manson, Olivier Malone, Clem B, Flavio Wariez, Ivan Gomez, Daniele D'Alessandro, Oso Project, Simone De Biasio, Project 050, Bruno Kauffmann, Gino Klift, Eddie Coulter, Tom Marchant, Shakespeare Project, Danny Polaris, Ash Roy, Manuel Carranco, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Nacho Chapado, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien
Vicious Circle: 15 Years Of Hard House
Paul Glazby, Mark Grey, Defective Audio, The Project, Abandon, Max Alien, Captain Tinrib, Dynamic Intervention, Incisions, Dave Owens, Frank Farrell, RR Fierce, K-Live, Jez & Charlie, Sol Ray, Craig Lee, Kirsty Lee James, Digital Cowboy, Justin Bourne, Ben Stevens, Lucy Fur, Base Graffiti, Max & Amino, Paul Maddox, Mark Kavanagh, Andy Farley, D.A.V.E. The Drummer, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, Nik Denton, Trauma, Paul Janes, Masmada, The Narcomaniacs, Jody 6, Tara Reynolds, Weirdo, Pierce Rooney, Wayne Reid, Adam M
Underground Ibiza 2014
Bioslave, Mike Kelly, Voltaxx, Nicolas Nucci, Simone De Biasio, Daniele D'Alessandro, Project 050, Oso Project, Bruno Kauffmann, Peter Flow, Max Rocca, Alberto Caput, Ivan Gomez, Bedrud, Grolle & Giese, Shakespeare Project, Ash Roy, Vasudha, Oliviandj, Dave Rose, Mat Holtmann, Alex Portarulo, Jean Philips, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien, Olivier Malone
Sorry Shoes Reinvention Sessions By Thomas William Take One
Various Artists, Oso Project, Housemiga, Alex Portarulo, Miguel Picasso, Manuel Carranco, Simone De Biasio, Mat Holtmann, Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien, Mike Kelly, Natalie Gauci, Voltaxx, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Taylor Square, Katarina, Eddie Coulter, Oliviandj, Rony, Rachele Dione, Ivan Gomez
Laboratoire Meets Sorry Shoes
Bruno Kauffmann, Ria Alexander, Paul M, Daniel Gregorio, Aeon Flux, Miguel Picasso, Lissat & Voltaxx, Mike Kelly, Natalie Gauci, Oliviandj, Ash Roy, Vasudha, Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Max Rocca, Manuel Carranco, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Simone De Biasio, Rony, Rachele Dione
Sorry Shoes Sampler
Joey Alvarado, Ellroy Clerk, Mike Ivy, Miguel Picasso, Bedrud, Grolle & Giese, Ivan Gomez, Miguel Rendeiro, Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Manuel Carranco, Oliviandj, Chris Brogan, Taylor Square, Katarina, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien, Aeon Flux, Max Rocca, Natalie Gauci, Mike Kelly, Jean Philips
Progressive Highlights
Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Chris Brogan, Oliviandj, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Taylor Square, Katarina, Rony, Rachele Dione, Paul M, Daniel Gregorio, Bruno Kauffmann, Ria Alexander, Clem B, Flavio Wariez, Aeon Flux, Mike Kelly, Manuel Carranco, Dave Rose, Mat Holtmann, Joey Alvarado, Ellroy Clerk, Mike Ivy, Miguel Rendeiro, Nicolas Nucci, Giese & Rony, Kelly Hilton, Bedrud, Grolle & Giese, Oso Project, Housemiga, Guy Scheiman, Sean Norvis, Seepryan, Ane, Natalie Gauci, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien
House Room Volume One
Taylor Square, Katarina, Robin Hirte, Mat Holtmann, Natalie Gauci, Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien, Dave Rose, Sean Norvis, Seepryan, Ane, Jason Chaser, Giese & Rony, Kelly Hilton, Joey Alvarado, Ellroy Clerk, Mike Ivy, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Rene Raabe, Nacho Chapado, Manuel Carranco, Demuja
Sorry Shoes Floor Burners Volume One
Bedrud, Grolle & Giese, Tom Marchant, Lizzie France, Steve Thomas, Nick Tcherniak, Wilmien, Oliviandj, Chris Brogan, Jean Philips, Steven Redant, Rony, Rachele Dione, Paul M, Daniel Gregorio, Natalie Gauci, Clem B, Flavio Wariez, Taylor Square, Katarina, DJ Bruno Kauffmann, Ria Alexander, Sean Norvis, Seepryan, Ane, Miguel Rendeiro, Exit Earth, Joey Alvarado, Ellroy Clerk, Mike Ivy, Giese & Rony, Kelly Hilton, Rene Raabe, Nacho Chapado, Manuel Carranco, Nicolas Nucci, Mike Kelly
Hard House Bible
Beatbusters, UK Gold, Dean, Cunaro, Base Graffiti, Lemon 8, 99th Floor Elevators, BK, Andy Farley, RR Fierce, Chris C, James Lawson, Trauma, Bulletproof, The Coalition, Nick Rafferty, Anne Savage, Sam & Deano, Scott Attrill, Vox & Go, Scott Fo Shaw, Jimmy Gooders, Robbie Muir, Technikal, Ben Bennett, Doaf, Jon BW, The Tidy Boys, Jon Bishop, SQ
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