My real name is Laszlo Tamas Nagy and I was born in Hungary in 1981. My friends and my colleagues in the music business know me as Moó aka. Leslie Moor.The love of music follows me since my teenage years. I started to show interest about electronic music around 1994 and that was the time when I began to use the appropriate software’s (Magix Music Maker, E-jay, etc) for slicing, dicing, chopping and mixing music on a beginners level.By now I developed a great knowledge about electronic music professionals. My collection includes tracks from the end of the 90s all the way to the latest ones, stuff you’ll hear today or maybe tomorrow.I wondered into the magical world of creating my own music around 2004, I learned how to mix
Latest Releases
1K, Pt. 4
The Loco, Pavel Zinkin, Haadling, Jhony Rivers, Ultraverse, Dio5 Rumor, Hakan Akcan, First 5 Frets, Baykara, Kade B, Facundo Ignacio, DJ Nightnoise, Agustin Pietrocola, Missing Time, Smile Sad, Abe Van Dam, Bruno Andrada, Askin Dedeoglu, MOii, PAVLIN PETROV, eSoreni, Nico Serjanovich, Kleinsky, Esqpe
Abstract Deep Space Part 5 VA Compilation
AM-Concept, Platunoff, Manu F, Degios, Stage Van H, Rogier, AudioStorm, Phoebus, SeamLess Beat, Gm Project, John Drummer, Ilya Gerus, Christopher Hermann, Nico Ferrero, Julian Dep, Robert R. Hardy, Plu-Ton, Fractal Architect, Fabry Carrasco, Peter Meatman, Leslie Moor, Subarctica, Panican Dynamics, Volkan Erman, Hypnotic Progressions, R'CHIE, Jose Tabarez, GAR, Halaros, Jacob Singer, Klangtraeumer, Bob the Groove, Following Light
Abstract Deep Space Part 4 VA Compilation
AM-Concept, Klangtraeumer, Stage Van H, Stergios, CoMIT, Leslie Moor, Sean McClellan, Platunoff, Nicolas Petracca, Peter Meatman, Rogier, Manu F, Maxim Vozisov, Graham Lloris, Kevin Saw, Shedashe, Gm Project, Phoebus, SeamLess Beat, Billy Alex, John Drummer, Ewan Rill, Alfonso Muchacho, Leo Baroso, Sultan F, Kamilo Sanclemente, Double Needle Project, Panican Dynamics, Enlusion, Ri9or, Russlan Jaafreh
Abstract Deep Space Part 3 VA Compilation
Following Light, V, Kevin Saw, AudioStorm, Stage Van H, Rogier, Nico Ferrero, Ilya Gerus, Snorkle, John Freedman, Dance Bridge, Platunoff, Halaros, Kay D, Ivan Miatto, Peter Meatman, Leslie Moor, J-Sevilla, Billy Alex, Nicolas Petracca, Max de Rose, Sean McClellan, Phoebus, SeamLess Beat, Alberto Sainz, TasZ, Gustav Martin, Manu F, Esthetique, John Drummer, Monojoke, Smyk, Degios
Abstract Deep Space Part 2
SeamLess Beat, Aurora Nights Project, Subarctica, Sultan F, Kevin Saw, Adrian Roman, Doroci, John Drummer, Snorkle, Leslie Moor, Phil.Anieel, Stage Van H, Rogier, J-Sevilla, Daniel Glover, Gandalfr, Double Needle Project, Panican Dynamics, Sean McClellan, TasZ, Modeplex, A.R.E.S, Bob the Groove, Enlusion, Leo Baroso, Klangtraeumer, Lee Cassells, Frezel, Bad Vibes Project
Abstract Deep Space Part 1
AM-Concept, John Freedman, Dance Bridge, Peter Meatman, Leslie Moor, Ri9or, Max de Rose, AudioStorm, Julian Dep, J-Sevilla, Cristian R, Stage Van H, Rogier, Kevin Saw, Shedashe, Ilya Gerus, John Drummer, Robert R. Hardy, Gm Project, Manu F, Degios, Phoebus, SeamLess Beat, Billy Alex, Plu-Ton, Panican Dynamics, Christopher Hermann, Ewan Rill, Alejandro Manso, Sante Freemantle
Best of 2015 Remixes
Alejandro Manso, Fabry Carrasco, Nicolas Petracca, Leach, Ewan Rill, Snorkle, Sultan F, Kevin Saw, Leo Baroso, John Drummer, Sean McClellan, Stage Van H, Rogier, J-Sevilla, Kamilo Sanclemente, Gandalfr, Double Needle Project, Panican Dynamics, Platunoff, Following Light, TasZ, A.R.E.S, Enlusion, Leslie Moor, Alfonso Muchacho
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