Bernard Jones' musical education started at the age of five, when his grandmother insisted on his classical training in piano. He studied percussion at The University of Missouri at the age of 15. At that time, he learned of the art of Deejaying through local DJs and first started professionally at 17 for a few local nightclubs. Bernard’s DJ style is not defined by any genre or event setting. A true turntablist and student of all music, he is able to seamlessly mix all types of music and always keep it danceable. As Bernard began writing several popular house records, his visibility and status as a DJ was accelerated. He began to write music and DJ full time, and was even nominated for a music award in the UK.Bernard's reputation
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Beach Clubbing - Pre-Party
Bite My A, Alvaro Martins, Tim Le Funk, Bernard Jones, Frank Solano, Ivaylo, Matteo Candura, Sean Michaels, Bodean, Raymond Mather, Aaron Ross, Ernest Oh, Xavi Deck, GFragor, Hansol, Tidy Daps, Calippo, Nora En Pure, Ron May, Peckos, Nana K., Luca Aniston, Anthony Creature, Blacksoul, Santiago Moreno, Level Groove, Croatia Squad
Infectious House Vol. 10 - Tech & Tribalism House Selection
Bernard Jones, Daniel Kyo, Manjane, Stev Bray, Ron May, Greg Stainer, Darko De Jan, Juanito, Thomas Gandey, Marcelo Vak, Filthy Rich, Dan Van, John De Mark, Rio Dela Duna, Paul May, Dave Spritz, Aad Mouthaan, Alex Neza, Jonaz Martinez, Level Groove, Dario Rodriguez, Miss Kiyami, Dany Cohiba, Jozik, Xavi Deck
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