Hailing from Conant Gardens Detroit, Waajeed’s productions through the years have been known as both inventive and genre-defying. Of recent years and with a more dance floor orientated mindset, Waajeed launched DIRT TECH RECK as well as collaborating on tracks with Mad Mike Banks, Theo Parrish and Amp Fiddler. Dirt Tech also formed the home for his Church Boy Lou EP, Make It Boom EP, Shango EP and most recently Through it all EP. Waajeed’s music career gained prominence in 1991 when he formed hiphop’s Slum Village with T3, Baatin and J Dilla. Later, he created Bling 47, a label inspired by Motown and Underground Resistance which specialized in instrumental series from the likes of J Dilla, himself as well as forming a platform for developing artists. In search of